Chapter 7- Energy Metabolism Flashcards
anabolic vs. catabolic reactions
anabolic- making of things (glycogen, triglyc, etc). Requires energy
catabolic- breaking down of things (glyco to glucose). Releases energy
energy metabolism
how the body obtains and uses energy from food to meet its needs
What percentage of the chemical enmergy in food is converted to energy in ATP?
glycolysis- definition, where occurs, requires oxygen?
The breakdown of glucose to pyruvate. Occurs in the cytosol. Anaerobic
pyruvate can be used to make ____
Acetyl coA can be used to make ___, but not ____
fats, glucose
What is fatty acid oxidation?
the process of breaking down fatty acids to acetyl-coA
Where do most amino acids go in the energy pathway?
to pyruvate to then make glucose (glucogenesis)
Options for excess protein
- Fill normal needs first
- Increase protein oxidation (burn it off by converting AA to energy)
- Make ketone bodies (acetlyl coA) which stores as fat
Options for excess carbs
- Store as glycogen
- Increase carb oxidation to burn off
- Make into fat
Options for excess fat
Store as fat
the making of glucose from non-carb sources like amino acids or glycerol
Why does fat provide more energy per gram?
it has more C-H bonds, so more spots for oxygens to be added. Glucose has water already so less C-H bonds
During feasting, carbs are broken down to ___ and used for ____
Broken down to glucose
Used for liver & muscle glycogen stores and also body fat stores
During feasting, fat is broken down into _____ and used for____
fatty acids
body fat stores
During feasting, protein is broken into _____ and used for ______
amino acids
body fat stores, loss of nitrogen in urine (urea), and body proteins