Chapter 7 - Disclosures in Real Estate Vocabulary Flashcards
Chap 7 Vocab
“as is”
Term stating the seller will not be responsible for the cost of repairing any “OBSERVABLE” defect.
Affidavit of Title
A statement, sworn in front of a notary public or other authorized official, by the seller or grantor of property that identifies the grantor, identifies the grantor’s marital status, and certifies that the grantor has no new judgments, liens, divorces, unrecorded deeds, or other potential title defects since the title examination was completed. It also certifies that the grantor is indeed in possession of the property.
Affiliated Business Arrangement (AfBA)
A situation where a person in a position to refer settlement services—or an associate of that person—has either an affiliate relationship with or a direct or beneficial ownership interest of more than 1% in a provider of settlement services and who then refers business to that provider or in some way influences the selection of that provider.
A fibrous material that was once very common in many building materials because of its insulating and heat-resistant value; can cause breathing issues and illness. been found to cause lung and stomach cancer.
The act of witnessing a person’s signing of an instrument by a notary public.
Carbon Monoxide
Colorless, odorless gas that is a natural byproduct of fuel combustion; dangerous when inhaled.
Caveat Emptor
A Latin phrase meaning “Let the buyer beware.”
A real estate licensee’s fiduciary obligation to reveal material facts or defects.
disclosure statement
The statement required by the Truth-in-Lending Law whereby a creditor must give a debtor a statement showing the finance charge, annual percentage rate, and other required information.
Easton vs Strassburger
case resulting in RE agents must perform a visual inspection of the property and SELLERS must complete a Transfer Disclosure Statement.
flood (100-year)
Boundary indicating areas of moderate flood hazards.
flood hazard boundary maps
Maps that identify the general f lood hazards within a community.
A chemical organic compound found in building materials which may be a carcinogen.
hazardous household waste
Consumer products such as paints, cleaners, stains, varnishes, car batteries, motor oil, and pesticides that contain hazardous components.
hazardous waste
Materials—chemicals, explosives, radioactive, biological— whose disposal is regulated by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
Latent Defect
A defect that is not visible or apparent; a hidden defect that would not be discovered in a reasonably thorough inspection of property.
lateral support
The support which the soil of an adjoining owner gives to a neighbor’s land.
Mello-Roos Act
Allows developers to make improvements (roads, parks, schools, fire stations) while making each homeowner pay for the improvements. These improvements are listed in the property taxes.
Mello-Roos District
An area where a special assessment is imposed on those real property owners within a Community Facilities District. Public services such as roads, sewers, parks, schools and fire stations in new developments may be financed under this law.
Patent Defect
A visible, apparent defect that can be seen in a reasonably thorough inspection of property.
Planned Unit Development (PUD)
A type of subdivision in which developers do not have to comply with all standard zoning and subdivision regulations such as setback and lot size requirements.
Preventive Maintenance
Routine maintenance and inspections to keep equipment and the property in good working order.
public record
(1) A document disclosing all important facts about the property, its marketing and the financing of the subdivision. (2) Also known as public report.
Decaying uranium that emanates from the earth as an odorless, colorless, and tasteless gas; may cause cancer if allowed to build up in high concentrations. gas that is a carcinogen detected by a spectrometer.
Real Estate Advisory Commission
A 10-member commission to offer advice to the Commissioner on matters pertinent to the Bureau of Real Estate.
Real Estate Transfer Disclosure Statement
A document that the seller must provide to any buyer of residential property (one-to-four units).
red flag
Something that alerts a reasonably observant person of a potential problem.
Residential Lead-Based Paint Hazard Reduction Act
A federal law that requires sellers and landlords to disclose known lead paint hazards for homes built before 1978.
short fund
When a home is sold and the homeowner’s insurance policy is cancelled, the seller or owner of the policy receives a refund which is less than the credit they would receive if the buyer were to take over the existing homeowners’ insurance.
sinking fund
A fund set aside from the income from property which, with accrued interest, will eventually pay for replacement of the improvements.
Stigmatized Property
A property that is undesirable to most people because of a past event, such as a crime or death. Such stigmas as not considered material facts that must be disclosed. Also known as psychologically impacted property.
Subdivided Lands Law
A state law protecting purchasers of property in new subdivisions from fraud, misrepresentation or deceit in the marketing of subdivided property.