Chapter 15 - Getting & Keeping Your Real Estate License Flashcards
Chap 15 Vocab
Initial license issued to real estate salesperson who has only completed the Real Estate Principles course.
18-month conditional license
The illegal practice of inducing owners to sell their homes (often at a deflated price) by suggesting the ethnic or racial composition of the neighborhood is changing, with the implication that property values will decline as a result. Also called Panic Selling or Panic Peddling.
The illegal use of another’s funds or other property for one’s own personal or business purposes. – The appropriation of property or funds belonging to another; as in a broker using a client’s money.
A right or privilege awarded by law to operate a business using another company’s name and products. In real estate, there are franchised brokerages such as Century 21® and ERA®.
Another term for the Real Estate Law.
license law
A false or misleading statement
Making a false statement or concealing a material fact.
Person bound by a legal obligation.
Ex., A person, delinquent in paying child support, whose name is listed by the Child Support Services.
A damages award that is added to compensatory damages to punish the defendant for malicious or outrageous conduct and discourage others from engaging in similar acts.
Punitive Damages
Someone holding a broker license issued by the Bureau of Real Estate and permitted by law to negotiate real estate transactions between principals to employ persons holding salesperson or broker licenses.
real estate broker
A person appointed by the governor to determine administrative policy and enforce the provisions of the Real Estate Law and the Subdivided Lands Law.
Real Estate Commissioner
A separate account funded through collection of a fixed amount from each license fee. It was established to pay judgments against real estate licenses.
Real Estate Recovery Fund
A person with a real estate license who must be employed by a real estate broker in order to perform any of the activities that requires a license.
real estate salesperson
Any real estate licensee who is affiliated state/local boards.
Only members may use the term REALTOR® as it’s a registered trademark of this organization.
National Association of REALTORS® (NAR)
A type of probationary license issued when a license has been suspended, revoked or denied after a hearing.
restricted license
Undisclosed profit made by a broker at their principal’s expense.
secret profit
Process to make a Licensee temporarily ineffective.
The Real Estate Commisioner may do this to a real esate licensee for a violation of the licensing law.
A period of time after the expiration of a license that renewal is allowed as long as all real estate activity has ceased during that time and a late fee is paid at the time of renewal.
two-year grace period