Chapter 7 - Appraisal Flashcards
ACES (Performance of CMA) (appraisal)
Contract Pending
Sold (pref. within 6 months in the same area)
Broker’s price opinion (aka “drive by appraisal”)
DUST (re: to have value)
Market value
Most probably price a property should bring in a fair “arms length” transaction.
Market price
What a property actually sells for
Anticipation (Principles of value)
Value is created by the expectation that certain events will occur.
Conformity (Principles of value)
Maximum value is created when a property is in harmony with its surroundings; when use of land conforms to existing neighborhood standards.
Contribution (Principles of value)
Calue of any part of a property is measued by its effect on the value of the whole (ex. kitchen or bathroom remodel more valuable than pool or greenhouse).
Higest and best use (Principles of value)
The most profitable single use to which a property may be put.
Increasing and diminishing returns (Principles of value)
There’s a limit to the impact improvements will have on the overall value of the property.
Plottage (Principles of value)
Total value of two adjacent properties may be greated if they are combined (than the sum of their individual parts).
Increasing of a property’s value due to its neighbors.
Decreasing of a property’s value due to its neighbors.
Maximum value of a property is set by how much it would cost to purchase an equally desirable and valuable substitute property (foundation of sales comparison approach).
What are the three approaches to value? (appraisal)
- Sales Comparison Approach (most common residential)
- The Cost approach (For special purpose properties)
- Quantity-survey method (architect)
CBS (Sales comparison approach)
Compatable Better –> Subtract
CBA (Sales comparison approach)
Comparable Better –> Add
Formula for ‘The Cost Approach’ to appraisal
(Cost new) - (Depreciation) + Land = Value
Reproduction cost (appraisal)
Contruction cost at current prices of an exact duplicate.
Replacement cost (appraisal)
Cost to construct an improvement similar to the subject property.
Loss of value due to any cause
The three classes of depreciation are:
- Physical deterioration (wear, tear, neglect)
- Functional obsolescence (bad design, out of style)
- External obsolescence (aka. economic depreciation…zoning, etc. Beyond the owners’ control).
Equation for calculating Capitalization Rate (Income appraisal approach)
Income / Value
Equation for calculating Value (Income appraisal approach)
Income / Capitalization Rate
As the capitalization rate goes down, the value _____.
As the capitalization rate goes up, the value _____.
Equation for calculating Income (Income appraisal approach)
Value x Capitalization rate