Chapter 7 Flashcards
Concept Mastery
The Requirements Analysis and Design Definition knowledge area describes
tasks that business analysts perform to structure and organize requirements discovered during elicitation activities, specify and model requirements and
designs, validate and verify information, identify solution options that meet business needs, and estimate the potential value that could be realized for each
solution option.
The main difference between requirements and designs
is in how they are used and by whom.
The Requirements Analysis and Design Definition knowledge area includes the following tasks:
Specify and Model Requirements, Verify Requirements, Validate Requirements, Define Requirements Architecture, Define Solution Options, Analyze Potential Value and Recommend Solution
During Requirements Analysis and Design what is change?
transform elicitation results into requirements and designs in order to define the change.
During Requirements Analysis and Design what is need?
analyze the needs in order to recommend
a solution that meets the needs.
During Requirements Analysis and Design what is solution?
define solution options and recommend the one that is most likely to address the need and has the most value.
During Requirements Analysis and Design what is stakeholder?
tailor the requirements and designs so that they are understandable and usable by each stakeholder group.
During Requirements Analysis and Design what is value?
analyze and quantify the potential value of the solution options.
During Requirements Analysis and Design what is context?
model and describe the context in formats that are understandable and usable by all stakeholders.
The purpose of Specify and Model Requirements
is to analyze, synthesize, and refine elicitation results into requirements and designs.
What is the input of specify and model requirements?
Elicitation results
business analysts determine specific categories and specific models within categories to be used. Model categories can include:
People and Roles, Rationale, Activity Flow, Capability, Data and Information,
What are the techniques of specify and model requirements?
Acceptance and Evaluation Criteria, Business Capability Analysis, Business Model Canvas, Business Rules Analysis, Concept Modelling, Data Dictionary, Data Flow Diagrams, Data Modelling, Decision Modelling, Functional Decomposition, Glossary, Interface Analysis, Non-Functional Requirements Analysis, Organizational Modelling, Process Modelling, Prototyping, Roles and Permissions Matrix, Root Cause Analysis, Scope Modelling, Sequence Diagrams, Stakeholder List, Map, or Personas, State Modelling, Use Cases and Scenarios, User Stories,
What are the outputs of specify and model requirements?
Requirements (specified and modeled):
The purpose of Verify Requirements
to ensure that requirements and designs specifications and models meet quality standards and are usable for the purpose they serve.