Chapter 7 Flashcards
how does the uterus grow during pregnancy?
- starts at 70g w/ capacity of 10 mL and by term, it weighs 1100-1200 g and holds 5 L
- growth is the result of hyperplasia and hypertrophy
- early in pregnancy: hyperplasia occurs due to estrogen and growth factors
- late in pregnancy: hypertrophy occurs as muscle fibers stretch to hold fetus
- the muscle also inc in strength as amount of elastic tissue inc and muscles in the myometrium expand in length and width
- the wall of the uterus gradually thins out
pattern of uterine growth
- the growth helps confirm the EDD
- by 12 weeks: can palpate uterus above symphysis pubis
- by 16 weeks: fundus midway b/w symphysis pubis and umbilicus
- by 20 weeks: fundus at the umbilicus
- by 36 weeks: fundus at the xiphoid process
- pushes against the diaphragm–>shortness of breath
- by 40 weeks: lightening occurs, and uterus sinks to a slightly lower level
- makes breathing easier
contractility and uterine blood flow throughout pregnancy
- throughout pregnancy, uterus undergoes Braxton Hicks contractions
- these are infrequent and during first 2 trimesters, they aren’t felt
- later in pregnancy, they may be more frequent and uncomfortable
- as uterus enlarges, number and size of blood vessels inc
- delivery of materials needed for fetal growth depends on adequate perfusion
- by term, 1200 mL of blood per min reach the placenta
- maternal blood carried by myometrial arteries–>intervillous spaces–>O2 and nutrients transferred to chorionic villi–>fetus
how does the cervix change during pregnancy?
- water content and vascularity of the cervix inc
hyperemia (congestion w/ blood) occurs due to inc estrogen and results in bluish purple color that extends to vagina and labia
- this discoloration is called Chadwick sign (early sign of pregnancy)
- Goodell sign: cervical softening
- glandular walls bcome thin and widely spaced and these spaces fill with mucous which becomes the mucus plus: filled with lots of immunoglobulins and blocks the ascent of bacteria
how does the vagina and vulva change during pregnancy?
- inc vascularity causes the vaginal walls to appear bluish purpple
- connective tissue softens and allows the vagina to distend
- vaginal mucosa thickens and vaginal rugae become prominent
- vaginal cells contain inc amounts of glycogen which causes rapid sloughing and inc thick, white, vaginal discharge
- vaginal pH is acidic from inc production of lactic acid which helps prevent bacterial growth
- but the glycogen rich environment sometimes allows growth of fungi, so yeast infections are common
- inc vascularity can lead to heightened sexual interest
how do the ovaries change during pregnancy?
- progesterone must be released to maintain pregnancy to suppress uterine contractions and prevent tissue rejection of the fetus
- after conception, the corpus luteum secretes progesterone during first 6-7 weeks
- b/w 6-10 weeks, placenta starts taking over and the corpus luteum regresses
- ovulation ceases b/c of inc estrogen and progesterone which suppress LH and FSH
how do the breasts change during pregnancy?
- estrogen stimulates the growth of mammary ductal tissue
- progesterone stimulates the growth of lobes, lobules, and alveoli
- breasts become highly vascular
- striae may develop if breast size inc drastically
- nipples inc in size and become darker and more erect
- areolae become larger and more pigmented
- tubercles of Montgomery (sebaceous glands) become more prominent and secrete colostrum as early as 16 weeks of gestation
how does the heart change during pregnancy?
- cardiac changes are minor and reverse after childbirth
- muscles of the heart enlarge during the first trimester
- heart is pushed up and to the left as the uterus pushes up into diaphragm
- some heart changes may be altered starting during 12-20 weeks and continue for 2-4 weeks after childbirth
- most common includes splitting of the first heart sound or a systolic murmur best heard at the left sternal boarder
blood volume during pregnancy
- inc begins by 6 weeks gestation
- reaches an average of 30-45% during pregnancy
plasma volume during pregnancy
- inc from 6-8 weeks until 32 weeks gestation
- 40-60% greater than in non-pregnant women
- may be due to vasodilation from nitric oxide, and estrogen, progesterone, and PG stimulation of RAAS
- inc volume is needed to:
- transport nutrients and O2 to the placenta
- meet the demands of expanded maternal tissue
- provide a reserve to protect the pregnant women from blood loss
red blood cell volume during pregnancy
- RBC inc 20 to 30% above prepregnancy values
- although both RBC volume and plasma volume expand, the inc in plasma vol is more pronounced and occurs earlier
- this resulting dilution of RBC mass causes a decline in maternal H&H which causes physiologic anemia of pregnancy
- may be protective against forming clots
- this resulting dilution of RBC mass causes a decline in maternal H&H which causes physiologic anemia of pregnancy
- need frequent lab tests to distinguish b/w physiologic anemia and true anemia
- iron deficiency anemia can occur if Hgb is less than 11 in 1st and 3rd trimesters or 10.5 in 2nd
cardiac output and systemic vascular resistance during pregnancy
- expanded blood volume of pregnancy results in an inc in CO (half the rise in CO occurs in first 8 weeks)
- due to an inc in SV and HR (inc by 15-20 bpm by 32 weeks)
- CO is hghest when women is lying on her side and is lower in the standing and supine positions
- vascular resistance falls during pregnancy b/c
- vasodilation resulting from effects of progesterone and PGs
- addition of uteroplacental unit so greater area for circulation
- inc heat production–>vasodilation
- dec sensitivity to Ang II
- endothelial prostacyclin and nitric oxide
blood pressure during pregnancy
- BP is affected by position, so need to document her position when taking BP
- SBP remains largeley unchanged if measured when sitting or standing
- DBP shows a dec (10-15) that is greatest by 24-32 weeks and returns to normal at gestation
supine hypotension: weight of pregnant uterus occludes vena cava and aorta and diminishes return of blood, so CO is reduced
- some women may develop lightheadedness, dizziness, nausea, syncope
- may also cause fetal hypoxia if supine too long
- turn to lateral recombent to correct
5 changes to blood flow during pregnancy
- blood flow is altered to include the uteroplacental unit
- renal plasma flow inc up to 30% to remove inc waste from fetus and mother
- woman’s skin requires inc circulation to dissipate heat generated by inc metabolism during pregnancy
- blood flow to the breasts inc resulting in engorgement and dilated veins
- weight of expanding uterus on IVC and iliac veins can partially obstruct blood return from veins in legs
- blood can pool and cause venous distention
- can lead to varicose veins or hemorrhoids
blood components during pregnancy
- iron absorption inc but not always enough in diet, so need supplementation
- leukocytes inc to as high as 15000
- postpartum can reach 25000-30000
- pregnancy is a hypercoaguable state b/c of an inc in factors that favor clotting, like fibrinogen, factors 7, 8, 9, and 10
- inc the ability to form clots
- fibrinolytic activity dec
- offers some protection from hemorrhage during childbirth
3 major respiratory changes during pregnancy
- inc oxygen consumption: most is used by the fetus, uterus, and placenta
- progesterone causes the woman to hyperventilate slightly by breathing more deeply
- hormonal factors:
- progesterone helps dec airway resistance and inc the sensitivity of the respiratory center in the medulla oblongata to CO2
- estrogen causes inc vascularity of the mucous membranes
- edema and hyperemia develop which may cause nasal stuffiness, epistaxis, deepening voice
- physical effects of the enlarging uterus:
- enlarging uterus lift diaphragm, ribs flare, substernal angle widens, transverse diameter expands
- all results from the hormone relaxin
- breathing becomes more thoracic rather than abdominal
- enlarging uterus lift diaphragm, ribs flare, substernal angle widens, transverse diameter expands
GI system during pregnancy
- appetite inc
- mouth:
- elevated levels of estrogen cause hyperemia of the mouth and gums and may lead to gingivitis and bleeding gums
- some women experience ptyalism which is excessive saliva
- lower esophagel sphincter tone decwhich may cause heartburn (pyrosis)
- elevated levels of progesterone relax the tone and motility of the GI tract
- gastric acidity dec during the first 2 trimesters and inc during the 3rd
- emptying time of the intestines inc which allows inc nutrient absorption
- may cause bloating and abdominal distention
- also may cause constipation due to more water reabsorption in lg intestine
- enlarged liver: alkaline phosphatase rises, albumin falls (likely due to hemodilution)
- gallbladder becomes hypotonic: bile thickens and inc risk of gallstones
bladder in the pregnant woman
- frequency and urgency of urination inc
- if occurs with pain: may indicate infection
- hormonal influences, inc blood volume, and changes in renal blood flow and GFR may cause inc urinary frequency
- stress and urge incontinence may occur
- bladder capacity doubles by term and tone is decreased in response to progesterone
- nocturia is common
- bladder walls become hypertrophied due to estrogen
- dec drainage of blood from base of the bladder results in edema dn renders the area susceptible to trauma during childbirth
kidneys and ureters during pregnancy
- kidneys change in size and shape due to dilation of the renal pelvis and ureters
- dilation begins during 2nd month
- ureters become elongated and are compressed b/w enlarging uterus
- flow of urine is partially obstructed and this stasis can allow time for bacteria to grow
- renal blood flow inc due to inc plasma volume and CO and is highest when woman lying on her left side
- GFR inc due to higher renal blood flow
- need this to excrete extra waste from fetus
- glucosuria is common during pregnancy
- urine output inc and mild proteinura is common
- due to inc GFR: serum Cr and BUN dec
skin during pregnancy
- circulation to the skin inc to dissipate excess heat
- pregnant women feel warmer and perspire more
- accelerated activity of sebaceous glands–>acne
- inc pigmentation from inc estrogen, progesterone, and melanocyte stimulating hormone
- may cause melasma (brownish patches on forehead, cheeks, nose) or linea nigra
- moles, freckles, and areolae darken
- blood vessels dilate and proliferate which is due to estrogen
- angiomas may occur on areas exposed to the sun, palmar erythema may occur
connective tissue, hair and nails during pregnancy
- striae gravidarum (stretch marks) may occur: fade to silvery lines after pregnancy
- laser therapy may be able to be used after pregnancy
- b/c fewer follicles are in the resting phase, hair grows more rapidly and less hair falls out during pregnancy
- more hair loss can occur after childbirth, but returns to normal in 6-12 mos
- nails may become brittle or softer
- may grow faster or break more easily
musculoskeletal system during pregnancy
- fetal demands for calcium inc, so absorption from intestine doubles–>only 28-30 g are transferred to fetus and this does not deplete maternal bone density
- musculoskeletal changes are progressive
- early in pregnancy: relaxin and progesterone initiate relaxation of the ligament
- at 28-30 weeks: pelvic symphysis separates
- inc mobility of pelvis causes waddling gait
- during 3rd trimester, uterus inc in size and she must lean back to maintain balance
- can create lordosis and backache
- abdominal wall muscles may be stretched byond capacity and cause diastasis recti
who is at risk for diastasis recti?
–Previous abdominal surgery
–More than one pregnancy
–Multiples in pregnancy
–Increased weight gain in pregnancy
–Long pushing phase of labor
–Chronic coughing
–Chronic constipation
–Caucasian ethnicity
–Petite frame
pituitary gland during pregnancy
- anterior pituitary inc in size
- prolactin levels inc to prepare lactation
- FSH and LH are suppressed by progesterone and estrogen
- posterior pituitary releases oxytocin which stimulates contractions
- progesterone inhibits this early in pregnancy
- estrigeb causes a gradual rise in oxytocin receptors in the uterus to inc contractions near term
- oxytocin also role in preventing postpartum hemorrhage
thyroid gland during pregnancy
- hyperplasia and inc vascularity cause thyroid gland to enlarge
- may show greater inc in size if iodine intake is insufficient
- thyroid hormone levels inc
- T4 rises early in pregnancy but returns to normal levels by end of first trimester
- T3 and T4 both cross placenta
- they are important for fetal neurologic function b/c the fetus does not make thyroid Hs until 12 weeks gestation
pancreas during pregnancy
- changes occur due to alterations in blood glucose levels and fluctuations in insulin production
- blood glucose levels are lower than before pregnancy and hypoglycemia may develop
- during the 2nd half of pregnancy, maternal tissue to insulin begins to decline b/c of effects of hCS, prolactin, estrogen, progesterone, and cortisol
- mother uses fatty acids to meet tissue needs
- fasting blood glucose level is decreased as glucose passes to fetus
- post prandial blood glucose level is higher than before pregnancy making more glucose available for fetla needs
adrenal glands during pregnancy
- concentrations of cortisol increase due to the elevated estrogen and decrease in clearance rate of cortisol which prolongs the half life
- aldosterone inc early in pregnancy which helps maintain the necessary level of sodium in the expanded blood volume
human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG)
- primary function is to prevent deterioration of the corpus luteum so that it can continue to produce estrogen and progesterone until the placenta can produce it
- this is what causes a positive pregnancy test
- early in pregnancy, it is produced by corpus luteum, then the placenta takes over
- effects:
- suppression of FSH and LH
- stimulation of uterine growth
- inc blood supply to uterin evessels
- added deposit of maternal fat stores
- inc uterine contractions near term
- development of glands and ductal system in the breasts in preparation for lactation
- hyperpigmentation
- stimulation of vascular changes in the skin, rbeasts, respiratory tract, bladder
- antagonist to insulin
- produced first by corpus luteum, then placenta
- effects:
- suppression of FSH and LH
- maintenance of endometrial layer for implantation of fertilized ovum and prevention of menstruation
- dec uterine contractility to prevent abortion
- inc fat deposits
- stimulation of development of the breasts for lactation
- relaxation of smooth muscle
- inc respiratory sensitivity to CO2 to stimulate ventilation
- suppression of the immunologic response which prevents rejection of fetus
- antagonist to insulin
- retention of sodium
human chorionic somatomammotropin (hCS)
- also called hPL
- present in early pregnancy and inc throughout
- inc the availability of glucose for the fetus
- it is an insulin antagonist and reduces sensitivity of maternal cells to insulin which frees glucose for transport to the fetus
- helps prepare breasts for lactation
- produced by corpus luteum and placenta
- present by first missed period
- inhibits uterine activity, soften connective tissue in the cervix, and relaxes cartilage and CT to inc mobility of pelvic joints
water metabolism during pregnancy
- amount of water inc to meet the needs of fetus, placenta, amniotic fluid, and inc blood vol
- kidneys must compensate for factors that influence fluid balance
- inc GFR, PGs, dec plasma proteins, and inc progesterone all inc Na excretion
- inc estrogen, cortisol, hCS, and aldosterone all promote reabsorption of Na
- this helps maintain Na and water balance
edema during pregnancy
- b/c of hemodilution, edema develops during pregnancy
- further inc toward the end of term when the weight of the uterus compresses pelvic veins which delays venous returns and causes veins in the legs to become distended–>inc venous pressure–>shifts fluid to interstitial spaces
- edema especially obvious at the end of the day b/c of the force of gravity
eye and ear during pregnancy
- corneal edema may cause some women who wear contact lenses to have discomfort
- resolves after childbirth
- intraocular pressure dec which may cause improvement of glaucoma
- changes in mucous membranes of eustachian tube from inc levels of estrogen may cause women to have blooed ear and mild hearing loss
immune system during pregnancy
- altered during pregnancy to allow the fetus to grow undisturbed w/o becoming rejected by the woman’s body
- may lead to some autoimmune conditions like RA and MS to improve during pregnancy
- resistance to some infections dec, but viral and fungal infections may inc
presumptive signs of pregnancy
- subjective changes that are experienced and reported by the woman
- least reliable
- includes:
- amenorrhea
- n/v: begins during first 4-8 weeks and resolves by 10-12 weeks–>due to inc hCG and estrogen
- fatigue
- urinary frequency (due to fluid vol changes)
- breast changes: by 6th week (tenderness, tingling, fullness, inc size)
- inc pigmentation of skin
- Chadwick sign: inc pigmentation of cervix, vagina, and labia
- fetal movement: don’t usually start until 2nd trimester
possible indications of pregnancy
- objective signs but may still have other causes than pregnancy
- includes:
- abdominal enlargement
- Goodell sign: cervical softening
- Hepgar sign: lower uterine segment softens about 6-8 wks after last menses
- ballottement: during midpregnancy, sudden tap on cervix causes fetus to rise up then rebound
- braxton hicks contractions
- palpation of fetal outline
- uterine souffle: soft blowing sound that is auscultated over the uterus caused by blood circulating; corresponds to maternal pulse
- positive pregnancy test
pregnancy tests
- detect hCG which is present in maternal blood and urine shortly after conception
- immunoassay tests: can detect 3-7 days after conception
- home tests: best to use first morning voids b/c most concentrated
- inaccurate pregnancy test:
- false negative: when women is pregnant, but test shows negative
- may occur if instructions not followed, too early in pregnancy, urine is too dilute, woman is taking diuretics
- false positive: when woman is not pregnant, but test shows positive
- may occur if hematuria, proteinuria, or some tumors, and some anticonvulsants and antiparkinsonian drugs
- false negative: when women is pregnant, but test shows negative
positive indications of pregnancy
- auscultation of fetal heart sounds: can be heart by 9-12 weeks w/ doppler
- normal is 110-160 bpm during 3rd trimester
- fetal movements detected by examiner: considered positive when detected by examiner b/c they are not likely to be deceived by peristalsis
- visualization of embryo or fetus: using ultrasound
- can use transvaginal U/S as early as 3-4 weeks gestation
what are 2 major complications of inadequate antepartum care?
- low birth weight
- prematurity
preconception and interconception care
- ideally, first visit takes place before conception
- can help identify problems that might harm mom or fetus
- early weeks are particularly important b/c fetal organs forming and sensitive to harm
- chronic conditions like asthma, obesity, DM, or hypothyroidism should be addressed before pregnancy
- during preconception visit: complete hx, assess for health problems or harmful habits
- can screen for rubella, varicella, and hep B
- woman is advised to consume 400-800 mcg of folic acid daily at least 1 month before conception and 2-3 months after to prevent neural tube defects
- 600 mcg for rest of pregnancy
- if have had a baby with a NTD, take 4000 mg during 1 month before and during first trimester
why is obesity a concern during pregnancy?
- may inc incidence of:
- HTN disorders,
- GDM,
- PPH,
- poor labor progression,
- C/S,
- anesthesia complications,
- wound infection,
- LGA infants
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in pregnant women
- occurs due to edema compressing the median nerve when the N passess thru the carpal tunnel
- symptoms: pain, burning, numbness, tingling of hand and wrist
- splinting of wrist at night may help
- resolves by 3 mos after childbirth for most women
mid stream clean catch done during prenatal visits
- will test for:
- protein: can indicate kidney dz, preeclampsia, or contamination of vaginal secretions
- glucose: may be normal during pregnancy
- ketones: may occur after heavy exercise or if inadequate food/fluid intake
- bacteria: assoc with UTI
when are subsequent assessments of antepartum care done?
- traditional model if no complications:
- conception to 28 weeks: every 4 weeks
- 29-36: every 2 weeks
- 37 weeks to birth: weekly
- Centering Pregnancy: alternative method
- involves 10 1.5-2 hour sessions w/ groups of women and a HCP beginning at 12-16 weels
- women assess their own BP and weight and participate in educational sessions
- social support is established
what is assessed during subsequent prenatal assessments?
- V/S
- weight: if not enough–>fetus not growing, if sudden inc–>excessive fluid retention
- urine: tested for protein, glc, ketones
- fundal height: performed at each visit
- bladder must be emptied, woman lies on back with knees bent
- from 16-38 weeks, fundal height in cm is equal to gestational age of fetus in weeks w/in 3 cm
- leopold maneuvers
- fetal activity: quickening first noticed b/w 16-20 weeks
- last trimester: woman should do kick counts
- signs of labor should be reviewed
- U/S
- glucose screening at 24-28 weeks
- isoimmunization
- pelvic exam: during last trimester to determine progression
multifetal pregnancy
- more likely if the woman is older, African American, family/personal hx, conceived as result of infertility tx
- signs: larger than expected for gestation, have more fetal movements, gain more weight
- fundal height often 4 cm larger than expected
- should confirm with U/S
antepartum care with multifetal pregnancy
- have more frequent antepartum visits to assess for HTN, preterm labor, abruption, placenta previa, GDM, anomalies, LBW, and PPH
- U/S done Q4-6 weeks starting at 24 weeks
- frequent assessment of cervical changes during 3rd trimester
- nutritional education necessary b/c of inc calories, iron, Ca, folic acid, and vitamins needed
- should gain 37-54 lbs with a twin pregnancy
nausea and vomiting during pregnancy
- morning sickness
- often more acute in the morning
- symptoms may be inc by odors, fatigue, or emotional stress
- should reassure women that although morning sickness is distressing, common, temporary, will not harm fetus
- must be distinguished hyperemesis gravidarum: accompanied by weight loss, dehydration, electrolyte imbalance, and ketosis
- significantly intereferes with intake of vitamins so may need supplements
backache during pregnancy
- common during 3rd trimester due to inc joint mobility, lumbar lordosis, and relaxed ligaments
- should educate about correct posture and body mechanics
round ligament pain during pregnancy
- sharp pain in the inguinal area or on the right side
- results from softening and stretching of the ligament from hormones and uterine growth
- often on the right, b/c the uterus turns towards the R during pregnancy due to pressure from rectosigmoid colon
healthy behaviors during pregnancy
- bathing protects women from infections and promotes comfort
- but use non skid mats b/c prone to falls
- avoid conditions that could cause hyperthermia (hot tubs) and douching (inc risk of infection)
- breast care: use supportive bra, no soap on nipples (removes lubrication), breast stimulation inc oxytocin release (should not do if hx of preterm labor)
- wear practical, comfortable, and nonrestrictive clothing
- nutrition
exercise during pregnancy
- beneficial to strengthen muscles, reduce backache and stress, and provide a feeling of well being
- can exercise in moderation for 30 min or more on most if not all days of the week
- contact sports are not safe
- do not do exercise in the supine position
- walking is ideal b/c stimulates muscles, inc resp and CV effort, and does not result in fatigue
- swimming is also good b/c prevents injury
- should not begin strenuous exercise training
- avoid becoming overheated
employment during pregnancy
- work should not lead to undue fatigue
- need frequent rest w/ feet elevated
- heavy lifting should be avoided
- investigate occupational exposures to hazardous chemicals
travel during pregnancy
- car travel is safe
- but should include no more than 6 hours/day
- should stop to walk every 1-2 hours to empty her bladder and dec risk of thrombosis
- use seatbelt
- plane travel is safe up to 36 weeks if no complications
- should use support stockings, periodic movement, avoid restrictive clothing, and inc hydration
- wear seatbelt
- walk at least once an hour
immunizations during pregnancy
- live vaccines are contraindicated like MMR and varcells
- inactivated vaccines like tetanus, hep B, and influenza are safe
- should receive flu vaccine and tdap vaccine during each pregnancy
- tdap best if given b/w 27 and 36 weeks
NSAIDs during pregnancy
- avoid b/c may inc bleeding
tobacco during pregnancy
- identify women who smoke and explain the effects of smoking
- make every effort to stop smoking and avoid contact w/ others who smoke
- secondhand smoke inc risk of preterm birth, RDS, and NICU admission
- can use 5A approach:
- Ask woman at each visit if she smokes, how much, if she wants to quit
- Advise about importance of not smoking
- Assess woman’s willingness to stop smoking
- Assist in making plan to stop smoking
- Arrange f/u
- include the partner!!!
when is sexual activity contraindicated during pregnancy?
- multiple pregnancy
- threatened abortion
- incompetent cervix
- ruptured membranes
- hx of PTL
- partner with STD
danger signs of pregnancy
- gush of fluid
- vaginal bleeding
- abdominal pain
- temp inc over 38.2 or 101
- dysuria
- persistent vomiting
- change in frequency/strength of fetal movement
- muscular irritability/convulsions
- epigastric pain
- oliguria
- continuous pounding HA
- dizzy, visual disturbance
- edema:
- hands, face
- legs & feet: early pregnancy