Chapter 7 Flashcards
What is the averageness effect?
The finding that people prefer average or prototypical faces to faces that have distinct features.
What is perceptual fluency?
The relative ease of mental operations.
What is the matching phenomenon?
The tendency for individuals to choose as partners people who are a similar match to themselves in terms of their physical attractiveness.
Define asset matching.
Seeking complementary ‘assets’ allows people to exchange what they want from relationships.
Define the proximity/propinquity effect.
Being or living close to others can facilitate attraction and relationship formation.
What is the excitation transfer?
A phenomenon that occurs when the arousal from one stimulus is added to the other arousal of a second stimulus.
Define the balance theory.
People sharing similar attitudes are likely to reach balance - a positive mental state.
What is the social exchange theory?
How we feel about our relationships depends on our perception of the rewards we gain from the relationship and costs we incur - we evaluate whether or not we could have a better relationship.
Define comparison level.
People’s expectations about the level of costs and rewards based on previous relationships.
Define equity theory.
The theory that people are most satisfied with relationships in which the cost-reward ratio is approximately the same for both partners.
What is the reinforcement affect model?
This model of attraction posits that we like people who are present when we experience positive feelings.
What is passionate love?
Love characterized by intense emotional and physical feelings for another person.
What is companionate love?
Love characterized by a deep caring and affection for another person.
Define the term strange situation.
Procedure designed to observe attachment relationships between care giver and child.
Define partner regulation.
Actively attempting to change one’s partner to make them closer to one’s ideal.