Chapter 6 Flashcards
What is the sleeper effect?
A message that is not persuasive at first, but becomes persuasive over time as the source is forgotten.
What is the scarcity technique?
A persuasive technique emphasizing the rareness of the item in question, thus increasing its attractiveness to the target.
What is the need for cognitive closure (NFCC)?
The extent to which an individual is closed-minded, desiring quick and or certain answers to questions and resistant to ambiguity or disconfirmation.
Define systematic processing.
Processing of a persuasive message that occurs when people pay careful attention to a message.
Define heuristic processing.
Processing of a persuasive message that occurs when people use heuristics or cognitive shortcuts.
What is ingratiation?
A persuasive technique that involves making the persuasive target like you in order to persuade them.
What is the door-in-face technique?
A persuasive technique that involves the persuader making a large and unrealistic request before making a smaller, more realistic request that is likely to be successful.
What is the foot-in-door technique?
A pesruasive technique in which a person makes a small and unobtrusive request before making the larger request of interest.
Define lowball tactic.
A persuasive technique that involves the persuader changing the terms of the agreement during the interaction by introducing hidden costs. The target accepts the change because they have already made a commitment to the action.
Define attitude inoculation.
Presenting people with weak attitude-inconsistent attacks prior to a stronger persuasive attempt helps people resist the message.
What is attitude polarization?
People’s tendency to evaluate mixed information in a way that strengthens pre-existing attitudes and makes them more extreme.
What is biased assimilation?
People’s tendency to evaluate counter-attitudinal information as biased or unreliable.
Define hostile media bias.
People’s tendency to view counter-attitudinal media as biased and untrustworthy.
What is the third person effect (TPE)?
The tendency for people to assume that the media have a greater influence on others than on the self.