Chapter 7 Flashcards
arithmetic overflow
A situation that arises when the computer’s memory cannot represent the number resulting from an arithmetic operation. (258)
boundary condition
A value at which two equivalence classes meet. (242)
combinatorial explosion
A multiplicative growth. (255)
complete code coverage
A set of tests in which every line in a program is executed at least once. (242)
equivalence class
All the sets of test data that exercise a program in the same manner. (242)
extended if statement
Nested selection where additional if-else statements are used in the else option. (248)
extreme condition
Data at the limits of validity. (243)
input assertion
A statement of what is expected to be true before a loop is entered. (259)
logical operator
Either logical connective (&&, ||) or negation (!). (225)
loop invariant
An assertion that expresses a relationship among variables that remains constant on all iterations of a loop. (260)
loop variant
An assertion whose truth changes between the first and final execution of a loop. (261)
nested if statement
A selection statement used within another selection statement. (245)
nested loop
A loop as one of the statements in the body of another loop. (252)
output assertion
A statement of what is expected to be true after a loop is exited. (259)
quality assurance
The ongoing process of making sure that a software product is developed to the highest standards possible, subject to the constraints of time and money. (242)