Chapter 7 Flashcards
Antitrust laws
laws that attempt to curtail anticompetitive business practices.
Capacity to punish
defined as the capacity to punish. A firm that has sufficient resources to deter and combat defection.
an entity that engages in output and price-fixing involving multiple competitors.
defined as collective attempts between competing firms to reduce competition.
Competitive dynamics
the actions and responses undertaken by competing firms.
Competition policy
determines the institutional mix of competition and cooperation that gives rise to the market system.
Competitor analysis
the process of anticipating a rivals’ actions in order to both revise a firm’s plan and prepare to deal with rivals’ responses.
Concentration ratio:
the percentage of total industry sales accounted for by the top four, eight, or twenty firms.
The percentage of total industry sales accounted for by the top firms is called
Cross-market retaliation
the ability of a firm to expand in a competitor’s market if the competitor attacks in its original market.
Explicit collusion
the result of firms directly negotiating output and pricing and dividing markets.
Game theory:
a branch of mathematics that studies the interactions between two competing parties.
Market commonality
the overlap between two rivals’ markets.
Multimarket competition:
when firms engage the same rivals in multiple markets.
Mutual forbearance:
an act of strategic deterrence in which multimarket firms respect their rivals’ spheres of influence in certain markets, and their rivals reciprocate, leading to tacit collusion.
Price leader
a firm that has a dominant market share and sets “acceptable” prices and margins in the industry.