Chapter 6: Zeus, Hera, Poseidon And Hades Flashcards
What is another name for Apollo?
Phoebus, which means shining
What is the aegis?
A ‘goat skin’ which was the emblem of Zeus and inspired terror in all those who beheld it. He often wore it as a breastplate
What was Zeus’s special animal?
The bull, because of its immense power and fecundity. The eagle was also associated with him
What is the Greek word for justice?
What is xenia?
It is a formal institution of friendship and allowed Greeks to travel safely to distant lands where Greeks lived
How does Hera seduce Zeus?
She borrows a magical belt from Aphrodite which makes her irresoluble
Who are the three Horae?
They are the seasons and personify the recurring divisions of the agricultural year and orderly arrangement in society
Who are the parents of the Horae and Morae?
Zeus and Themis
Who were the Morae?
The Morae are the fates and are portrayed as three extremely old women
What are the names of the Morae?
Clotho (spinner), Lachesis (apportioner) and Atropos (cutter)
Who was born from the sexual union between Zeus and Eurynome?
The Graces
Who were the parents of the Muses?
Zeus and Mnemosyne
Who was the young Trojan Prince that Zeus fell in love with?
What was the special animal of Hera?
The cow
Who were the three children of Hera and Zeus?
Ares, Eileithyia and Hebe
What is the name of the snake that guards the apples of Hera?
Who was the wife of Poseidon?
Who is Triton?
Half man half fish, the son of Amphitrite and Poseidon
What is the West wind and the North Wind called?
Zephyr and Bóreas