Chapter 6: Water Supply and Distribution Flashcards
The code requirement for “an adequate supply of potable running water is for _________.
Cleansing and sanitation (601.1)
The primary reason for installing backflow prevention assemblies is to _______________.
prevent pollution or contamination of the potable water supply (602)
the minimum height of the atmospheric vacuum breaker above the highest part of the urinal equipped with a flushometer valve is _______ inches.
6 inches (603.4.1)
The minimum height of the atmospheric vacuum breaker above all downstream piping for lawn sprinkler system atmospheric vacuum breakers is ___________ inch(es).
12 inches (Table 6-2)
PEX tubing shall not be installed within the first _________ of piping connected to a water heater.
18 inches (604.11.2)
Ballcocks in water closet tanks shall be installed so that the critical level of the water inlet is above the full opening of the overflow pipe at least ___________ inch(es).
1 inch (603.4.2)
Each outlet on a nonpoable waterline that mayh be used for drinking purposes shall be posted __________.
The piping material not approved in the cold water piping located inside a building is ____.
PVC, asbestos cement, and PE (Table 6-4)
Copper water tube Type M may be installed within a building _________.
Above ground only (604.2)
A water piping system with a pressure of 110 psi will require a(n) __________.
Pressure regulator and strainer (608.2)
Combination temperature and pressure relief valves shall be installed _________.
Based on their listing requirements and the manufacturer’s instructions (608.3)
Water piping may be installed in the same trench with sewer piping made of __________.
Cast iron (609.2)
CPVC water pipe may be used for hot and cold distribution systems ___________.
Within a building (Table 6-4)
Unions shall be installed in a water supply system within 12 inches of __________.
Regulating equipment (609.5)
Each pressure-relief valve installed inside of the building shall have a ___________.
Full size drain extended to the outside (608.5)
The quantity of water required to be supplied to every plumbing fixture shall be presented by _________,
Fixture units (610.3)
Hard-drawn copper tubing, marked with a blue stripe, is referred to as _________.
Type “L” (604.3)
The color stripe on Type “K” hard-drawn copper is ____________.
Green (604.3)
Except for plastic piping, water supply water piping systems may be tested with _______.
50 psi air pressure (609.4)
The duration for a water system pressure test shall be for a period of not less than _______ minutes.
15 minutes (609.4)
In occupancies where plumbing systems are installed for ______, hot water shall be required for bathing and washing purposes.
Public use (601.1)
Except as required in sections 1610.0 and 1617.0, nonpatable water systems shall have a _______ with uppercase lettering with the words “CAUTION: NONPOTABLE WATER, DO NOT DRINK.”
Yellow background (601.2.2)
Plastic materials for _________ piping outside underground shall have a blue insulated copper tracer wire or other approved conductor installed adjacent to the piping.
Water service (604.8)