Chapter 6 The Skeletal system: BONE TISSUE Flashcards
How does bone tissue make up our body weight on average
Are bones considered organs
State the function of the bone
Provide support in anchorage points for soft body tissues.
Protect vital organs.
Act as a lever for muscles when they contract to move the body.
Stores in mineral salts, like calcium and phosphate.
Produces blood vessels in the red bone marrow.
Stores fat in yellow bone marrow.
Where can we find red bone marrow in adults
The vertebrae
Bone of the skull
Proximal end of the femur humerus
Where can you find yellow bone marrow
Middle of the bone
What does yellow bone marrow store
Fats, triclyrides, adipose tissue
What type of tissue are bones
Connective tissue
Why are bone considered connective tissue
They have fibres,ground-substance and cells which is what you need to be a connective tissue
State the two types of bone
Spongy and compact
State the structure of Long Bone
A bone that is longer than it is wide
State an example of a long bone
All limb bones (expect ankle and wrist.)
What is in v]between the shaft of a bone and it two expanded ends.
The metaphysis
What is a Metaphysis
It is a growth plate which is important for growth
What is a shaft
the main part of a long bone. The tubular structure that is slightly curved.
What is an epiphysis?
The rounded ends of a long bone.
What is a periosteum
It is a tough connective tissue layer that covers the shaft of the bone.
State the parts of a bone
shaft (Diashysis)
Metaphysis (growth plate in between)
Epiphysis ( two rounded ends)
Periosteum: tough layer covering shaft.
Marrow cavity: inside the hollow shaft
Endosperm: lines the marrow cavity
Is there highland cartilage and periosteum covering articular layers?
In articular surfaces, there are no Periosteum covering the surface. There is only hyaline cartilage protecting surface from friction in with the other bone.
Where is the compact bone in the structure of a long bone?
Is this phone in the outer edges of the shaft in the epiphysises.
Where is the spongy bone in the structure of the long bone?
It is found inside the epiphysises.
Where is the marrow in the long bone?
Endosteum lines inside marrow cavity
What surrounds the widely separated cells
Extracellular matrix