Chapter 6 - The Skeletal System: Axial Division Flashcards
Orbital surface
- part of the mandible - provides protection for the eye and other structures in the orbit
The longest facial bones - paired - together form the upper jaw - articulate with all other facial bones, except the madible
Frontal process
- part of the maxillae - articulates with the frontal bone of the cranium and with a nasal bone
Alveolar processes
- formed by the oral margins of the maxillae - contain the upper teeth
Inferior orbital fissure
- part of the maxillae - elongated - fissure w/n each orbit - lies between the maxillae and the sphenoid
Infra-orbital foremen
- part of the maxillae - penetrates the orbital rim - marks the page of a major sensory nerve from the face
Infra-orbital groove
- part of the maxillae - a groove marking the path of a major sensory nerve from the face -
Maxillary sinus
- part of the maxillae - the largest sinuses in the skull - lighten the portion of the maxillae superior to the teeth - produce mucous secretions that flush the inferior surfaces of the nasal cavities
Palatine processes
- part of the maxillae - form most of the hard palate of the mouth
Incisive fossa
- part of the maxillae - fossa on the inferior midline of the palatal process - marks the opening of the incisive canals ( contains small arteries and nerves)
Palatine bones
- small, paired, L shaped bones - one of the facial bones
Nasal bones
- one of the facial bones - paired - articulate with the frontal bone at the midline of the face - cartilages associated with this structure form support the flexible portion of the nose (extend to the external nares)
External nares
The nasal openings
Inferior nasal conchae
- one of the facial bones - paired - scroll-like bones that resemble the conchae of the ethmoid - located on each side of the nasal septum - attached to the lateral wall of the nasal cavity
Zygomatic bones
- one of the facial bones - singular - articulates With the zygomatic process of the temporal bone to form the zygomatic arch (the cheekbone) - also forms the lateral rim of the orbit and contributes to the inferior orbital wall
Zygomaticofacial foremen
- Associated with the zygomatic bone - a foremen on the anterior surface of each zygomatic bone - carries a sensory nerve innvervating the cheek
Lacrimal bones
- one of the facial bones - the smallest bones of the skull - in the medial portion of each orbit - articulates with the frontal bone, the maxilla and the ethmoid
Lacrimal groove
- associated with the lacrimal bones - a shallow depression - leads to a narrow passageway: the nasolacrimal canal
- one of the facial bones - singlular - forms the inferior portion of the nasal septum - articulates with both the maxillae and palatine bones along the midline - anteriorly supports a cartilaginous extension of the nasal septum that continues into the fleshy portion of the nose and separates the external nares
Nasal septum
- wall separating the nose
- one of the facial bones - forms the entire lower jaw
- the horizontal portion of the mandible
Rami of the mandible
- ascending portion of the mandible - supports the teeth
Angle of the mandible
- where each ramus of the mandible meets the body of the mandible
Condylar processes
- part of the mandible - extend to the smooth articular surface of the head of the mandible
Head of the mandible
- part of the mandible - smooth articular surface - articulates with the mandibular fossae of the temporal bone at the TMJ
Coronoid processes
- part of the mandible - where the temporal is muscle (one of the most forceful muscles involved in closing the mouth) inserts onto the mandible
Mental foramina
- part of the mandible - a foramina penetrating the body on each side of the chin - nerves pass through this foramina carrying sensory information from the chin and the lower lips back to the brain
Mandibular notch
- part of the mandible - the depression that lies between the condylar and Coronoid processes
Alveolar part of the mandible
- part of the mandible - a thickened area that contains the alveoli and roots of the teeth
Mylohyoid line
- associated with the mandible - lies on the medial aspect of the body of the mandible - marks the origin of he mylohyoid muscle that supports the floor of the mouth and the tongue
Submandibular fossa
- part of the mandible - contains the submandibular salivary gland - a depression inferior mylohyoid line
Mandibular foremen
- part of the mandible - a foremen leading to the mandibular canal
Mandibular canal
- part of the mandible - a passageway for blood vessels and nerves that service the lower teeth - the nerve that uses this passageway carries sensory information from the teeth and gums
- the bony recesses that enclose and protect the eyes - contains the eyes, a lacrimal gland, adipose tissues, muscles that move the eye, blood vessels and nerves
Orbital complex
- seven bones fit together to form this complex: the frontal bone, the maxilla, the lacrimal bone, he ethmoid , the sphenoid, the palatine and the zygomatic bone
Nasal complex
- includes the bones and cartilage that enclose the nasal cavities and the para nasal sinuses - extends from the internal to he external nares
Paranasal sinuses
- part of the nasal complex - air-filled chambers that act as extensions of and open into the nasal cavities - lighten skull bones, produce mucous and resonate during sound production - includes: frontal, sphenoidal and maxillary sinuses and the ethmoidal air cells
Hyoid bone
- Suspended by the stylohyoid ligaments inferior to the skull -
Stylohyoid ligaments
- connect the lesser horns of the hyoid bone with the skull