Chapter 6 The Nature of Work Motivation Flashcards
What is Work Motivation?
Work motivation is the psychological forces within a person that determine:
• the direction of a person’s behavior in an organization,
• a person’s level of effort, and
• a person’s level of persistence in the face of obstacles
What are Elements of Work Motivation?
Direction of Behavior
Level of Effort
Level of Persistence
What is Performance?
Performance is our evaluation of the results of a person’s behavior
What is Motivation?
Motivation is only one factor among many that contributes to an employee’s top performance
What are the two types of Motivation?
What is Extrinsic Motivation?
Source of motivation is acquisition of material or social rewards or to avoid punishment
What is Intrinsic Motivation?
Source of motivation is actually performing the behavior
Behavior performed for its own sake
What is the Motivation Equation?
Inputs + Performance produces Outcomes
In the Motivation Equation, What are types of Inputs?
Effort Time Education Experience Skills Knowledge Job behaviors
In the Motivation Equation, What are types of Performance?
Level of customer service
In the Motivation Equation, What are the Outcomes?
Pay Job security Benefits Vacation Satisfaction Pleasure
What are some of the Theories of Motivation?
- Need Theory
- Expectancy Theory
- Equity Theory
- Procedural Justice Theory
Explain the focus of Need Theory
Focuses on employees’ needs as the sources of motivation
Explain the focus of Expectancy Theory
Focuses on how employees make choices among alternative behaviors and levels of effort
Explain the focus of Equity Theory
Focuses on employees’ perceptions of the fairness of their work outcomes and inputs
Explain the focus of Procedural Justice Theory
Perceived fairness of the procedures used to make decisions about the distribution of outcomes in an organization
In the Need Theory, What outcomes is an individual motivated to obtain from a job and an organization?
Employees have needs that they are motivated to satisfy in the workplace.
What are the levels of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs (pyramid)?
Self-actualization needs Esteem needs Belongingness needs Safety needs Physiological needs