chapter 6 test Flashcards
2 biggest factors that impact voter participation
education level and age
Amendments that increase voter participation
15th, 19th, 26th, and maybe even 24th
factors that lead to lower voter turnout
voter registration
long voting ballot
weekday, non holiday voting
closed primaries
need ID
democrat ideals
demand side economics/keynesian
favor more government regulation
more taxes on rich
republican ideals
support supply side economics
lower tax rates to more disposable income for citizens
government ensure safety not social welfare
favor fewer government regulations
5 types of polls
opinion polls
benchmark polls
tracking polls
entrance polls
exit polls
opinion polls
unbiased human research inquires of a particular sample population designed to measure public views regarding political topics of interest
benchmark polls
first poll used in a campaign, helps candidates develop political platforms, focus on issues, create advertising strategies
(candidates learn of strengths and weaknesses)
tracking polls
measure change in opinion (on one topic) overtime (daily, weekly, monthly) and often used in final stages of campaign to direct message
entrance polls
taken before a voter enters the voting booth
used to make candidate prediction
exit polls
surveys conducted immediately after voters cast votes
used to predict outcome of election
gender gap
difference in political views between man and woman
(men more conservative, women more liberal)
factors that add to gender gap
size of government
gun control
social programs
gay rights
favors traditional American values, respect for authority, law and order, and national defense
battle between civilization and barbarism
progressive, favors an active government role in regulating the economy and promoting equality
battle between oppressor and oppressed
favors very limited government, promotes individual freedom that should only be limited when it impedes on another person’s rights
battle between liberty and coercion
liberal foreign policy
spend less in military
less willing to commit troops to action for use of force
liberals social policy
support freedom of choice
oppose prayer in schools
favored affirmative action
liberals economic policy
view government as regulator in public interest
want to tax rich more
want to spend more on poor
liberal crime policy
solve problem that cause crime
guard defendant’s rights more
conservative foreign policy
maintain peace through strength of military
support military intervention across world
conservative social policy
support right to life
support prayer in schools
oppose affirmative action
conservative economic policy
favor free market solutions
want taxes low
want to spend low amounts
conservative crime policy
stop coddling criminals to cut crime
stop letting criminals hide behind laws`
libertarian economic policy
little to no regulation beyond protection of property rights
minimum taxes
libertarian foreign policy
dramatic decrease in govt spending
dramatic reduction in defense spending
libertarian crime policy
decriminalization of vitcimless crimes and protecting rights of accused
libertarian social policy
government shouldn’t regulate private person matters
favor privatization of education, school choice
favor social liberty
traits of accurate polls
randomized sampling
stratified sample
representative sample
question wording is unbiased and umambiguous
large sample size and low margin of error
traits of inaccurate poll
specific sample
biased and ambiguous wordings
small sample size and high margin of error
conventional participation
voting in elections
working in campaigns
contacting elected official
collecting signatures for petition
donating to a political campaign
alternative ways to participate voting
protest/demonstrations/civil disobedience
campaign work
campaign contribution
running for political office
political discussion to persuade others towards action
organized interest groups
democratic demographics
African Americans, Asian, hispanics
18-29 years old
only high school graduate, post college graduates
poor,urban need social welfare program
catholic and jews
urban folks - northern states
west coast - environment and immigration
republican demographics
white males
60 years and older
college graduates
protestants and evangelicals
rural and mountain folks
suburban folks - southern states
Cubans - growing Hispanic support
why do presidential elections have more voters than midterm elections
more media coverage
increased interest and importance
general elections simplify choices
why people vote more in general than primaries
partisans and activist are more likely to vote in primaries
definitely part of one party (registered for one)
really involved in campaign
political socialization
the process through which an individual acquires their particular political orientation (attitudes and opinions)
political culture
a set of attitudes, beliefs, and values that motivate and drive the political process and behaviors within a political system
public opinion
the distribution of the population’s beliefs about politics and policy issues
political ideology
a coherent set of beliefs about politics, public policy, and public purpose
individual beliefs about scope and purpose of government
(liberal and conservative)
laws placed on immigration
Chinese exclusion act (1882)
open door policy
Johnson-reid immigration act (1924) - quota on immigrants entering
Hart-celler immigration and nationality act (1965) - removed quotas
fastest growing age group and minority
old people, hispanics (more minorities than majority later) more hispanics than whites
5 core values
equality of opportunity
free enterprise
rule of law
limited government
Impacts proportional HOR numbers and impacts formula grants from federal government
(required every 10 years)
5 groups that impact political socialization
family (the strongest)
factors that declined trust in government
water scandle and 9/11 acts after
opposed patriot act
search and interrogations on citizens if they helped a terrorist without a warrent
USA freedom Act
continued searches
if American citizen, then they need warrant
if not citizen, then no warrent
sampling error
the level of confidence in the findings of a public opinion poll
(+ or - 3%)
stratified sample
population is divided into subgroups and weighted based on population demographics
degree of importance issue is to person
cross cutting cleavages
individuals influenced by many factors
mandate theory of electons
the idea that the winning candidate has a mandate from the people to carry out his or her platforms and politics
motor voting act (1993)
national voter registration act
allowed those to vote with license
voting rights act (1965)
removed literacy tests, taxes, and grandfather clause
any barriers to voting