Chapter 6 Study Guide and Checkpoints Flashcards
RIsk Management is both a _______ and _______ process
Risk Management is both a DECISION and ADMINISTRATIVE process.
What is the process that arrives at the most cost effective means avail in dealing with loss exposures?
The ability of the organization to do the FIVE STEP PROCESS will help determine the success of the _______
…Success of the risk management program
The Five Steps
- Identify and analyze loss exposure
- Examine alternative risk management techniques
- Select Risk Management Techniques
- Implement technique(s)
- Monitor Results
Once risk management decisions have been made, they must be ___________ and __________
Implemented and Managed.
The success of the risk management process in this stage depends on the organization’s ability to:
- LEAD and
In order to properly manage risks, it is important that they be _______and _______
Identified and Analyzed
what is the purpose of IDENTIFICATION
Involves recognizing losses which might possibly occur
what is the purpose of ANALYSIS
Involves estimating the significance of those possible losses
An organization faces many exposures to loss. What is a LOSS EXPOSURE?
Loss exposure is the CHANCE of FINANCIAL LOSS.
What three factors are used to classify Loss Exposures?
- The type of value exposed to loss.
- The peril causing the loss.
- The financial consequences of the loss.
The Four types of VALUES exposed to loss in most organizations
1) Property Values
2) Net Income Values
3) Liability Loss
4) Personnel Loss
1) Property Values
Tangible Property - can be touched and has form and substance.
- real property
- debris removal
- undamaged property
- pair or set value
- going concern value
- demolition expense
- increased costs of construction
- personal property
2) Net Income Values
Net income can be affected by decrease in revenue or increase in expenses. Decreases in revenues may result from:
- business interruption
- Contingent business interruption
- loss of profit on finished goods
- reduced rental income
- decreased collection of accounts receivable
Increase in expenses may result from:
- increased operating expenses
- increased rental expenses
- expediting costs
3) Liability Loss
There is a Liability Loss exposure whenever there is a possibility of legal action taken against business. A legal action imposes the following costs to the organization:
- Costs to investigate and defend
- payment of an award for damages, or costs of corrective action
- the amount of any out-of-court settlement the business may decide to pay rather than go to trial
- the amount of any voluntary payments made by the business to gain the claimants goodwill or reduce the final amount of the settlement or verdict
4) Personnel Loss
May be due to disability, resignation, retirement or death of personnel. the costs to the organization can be measured by:
- value of the employee services
- the costs of providing employee benefits
The two KEY FACTORS used to measure the financial consequences of a loss
1) Severity - the seriousness of loss
2) Frequency - likelihood of loss reoccurring
Identify the primary objective of RISK CONTROL
The primary objective of risk control is to reduce to frequency and severity of losses as much as possible with the resources available
establishing both ______ and ______ measures can help to reduce the severity of losses
Describe what is meant by the above terms and provide examples of each (preloss and postloss)
Pre-loss measures are things which can be done before loss occurs. they involve steps taken to reduce the amount of the property, the number of persons, or other things of value that may suffer loss from a single event.
Pre-Loss Examples:
Property Values - safe storage of flammable materials to reduce fire intensity.
Net Income Values - reduce value of single shipment in a specific Conveyance
Liability Loss - establish maximum speeds company vehicles can be driven
Personnel Loss - limit number of executives travelling together in any one vehicle or aircraft.
POST-LOSS Examples
Focus on action taken AFTER A LOSS to reduce it’s severity.
- Property Values - installing affected fire detection and suppression equipment
- Net Income Values - expediting repairs quickly so business can continue
Liability Loss - developing a procedure plan to be followed by management and employees.
Personnel Loss - returning key personnel to work by allowing them to work part-time or work at home or on a part-time basis
Forecasting is an important step in determining what risk management techniques will provide the most cost-effective means to deal with risk. Discuss the types of forecasts that need to be made done before decision can be made…
Three FORECASTS which are necessary including:
1) Forecast of frequency and severity of losses that can be expected.
2) Forecast of the effects that various risk control and risk financing techniques may have in frequency, severity and predictability of these projected losses.
3) Forecast of the costs of these techniques.
Forecasting involves gathering and organizing data on past losses. using probability analysis and trend analysis, future losses can be predicted with some certainty.
the ability to survive an accidental loss is a _______ of all organizations
Fundamental goal
Risk Management involves the application of a ____________ to risks
Rational Process
risk management is primarily concerned with the use of insurance as a means of managing and organizations exposure to loss. true or false
risk management is concerned with making decisions which arrived at the most cost-effective ways to deal with….
An organization’s loss exposures
a risk management program will succeed even if it does not receive the full support of both owners and management. true or false
intangible property values are not considered in the identification of possible loss exposures to an organization. true or false
in identifying loss exposures, no attention is required to be given to the effects of human or economic perils on the organization. true or false
the overall financial consequences of a loss exposure during a specific period of time depends upon the frequency and severity of losses occurring during that period.
Special Risk Management decisions generally do not have to be made for lost exposures having a frequency rating of ______ and a _____ severity rating
ALMOST NIL and a SLIGHT severity rating
The organization’s financial records help the risk manager to identify important information about the organization’s assets and liabilities and its sources of income and expenses. true or false
Generally, although survey forms, financial statements, and flowcharts serve a valuable purpose in identifying loss exposures, there is no substitute for ____________
Avoidance is a practical loss control technique for the majority of businesses. TRUE or FALSE
Retention is by far the most common means used to finance losses. True or False
A contractual transfer through insurance should always be recommended by the broker as the primary means of risk financing even though other techniques or combination of techniques would be sufficient. true or false
Once implemented, the risk management program needs to be continuously monitored and adjusted. true or false
risk management
is the process of making and carrying out decisions that will minimize the adverse effects of accidental losses upon an organization
is the chance of financial loss to an organization as a result of a particular peril striking a thing of value
tangible property
property that is real, can be touched, and has form and substance
going concern value
the difference in the value of property which must be sold after a loss and its value had the business continued
intangible property
property that has no physical substance and consists of legal rights rather than things
expediting costs
the extra costs incurred in hastening the recovery of a business after a loss
risk control
refers to the steps taken to reduce the frequency and severity of losses as much as possible with the resources that are available
risk financing
is concerned with paying those losses that inevitably occur
involves arranging an organization’s activities and resources so that no single event can cause simultaneous losses to all of them
involves dividing an organization’s single asset or operation into two or more separate units
involves complete reproduction of an organization’s own standby asset or facility to be kept in reserve
includes all means of generating funds from within the business to pay for losses
contractual transfer
includes all means of generating funds from outside the business to pay for losses
exposure avoidance
the purpose of exposure avoidance is to eliminate any possibility of loss. this is achieved when exposures are a completely avoided or be eliminated. the advantage to this technique is that there are no losses.
what is a disadvantage of exposure avoidance
the disadvantage to exposure avoidance as a risk control technique is that in avoiding one exposure, businesses generally create another
loss prevention techniques focus on reducing the…
frequency of losses
once because of a losses identified, measures are taken to stop it from happening, or at least make it more unlikely.. i.e. installing burglar alarms, fire extinguishing systems. What can be said about these techniques?
although loss prevention techniques help to reduce the frequency of losses, they are not totally effective in eliminating them
what is the aim of loss reduction techniques
to reduce the severity of losses that do occur
do loss reduction techniques guarantee that severe losses will not happen?
no they do not
two ways to achieve SEGRAGATION
while the courts generally agree that an organization may transfer its financial responsibility for a loss, they are more reluctant to recognize any agreement which transfers certain responsibilities established upon it…
in other words, although desirable in certain respects, CONTRACTUAL TRANSFER as a risk control technique may not always be depended upon to achieve the intended results.
Unfunded Reserves
An unfunded reserve recognizes in advance that a business will suffer a loss.
- An accounting entry is made to establish the reserve against which future losses are to be charged. because no monies are specifically allocated to the account to pay losses, it is said to be unfunded
Funded Reserves
A funded reserve is supported by cash, securities, or other liquid assets which have been set aside to pay expected losses.
what is the key disadvantage to funded reserves as a risk financing technique
it ties up capital which could be better used in the business. Also, the uncertainty about the size of a single loss means that the amount of ANY ONE LOSS could exceed the amount of the fund.
Borrowed Funds
borrowing as a risk financing technique is not widely the used. when funds need to be borrowed to pay losses, the business losses some part of its ability to borrow funds for other purposes. if the loss is severe enough, the borough or may not meet the financial institutions criteria to qualify for a loan to fully repair or replace the damaged.
Affiliated Capital Insurer
The advantage to the organization is that a separate internal financial unit has assumed responsibility for payment of losses. However, very few organizations have the capacity to finance their losses this way.
identify two circumstances under which retention would be viewed as an appropriate risk financing technique
- when forced onto the organization (forced retention)
2. When selected as viable option in which to finance losses (optional retention)