Chapter 6- Selection Flashcards
Selection Process Defined
A series of specific steps used to decide which recruits should be hired
Begins when recruits apply for employment and ends with the hiring decision
-Steps involve matching the employment needs of the organization and the applicant
Strategic Significance of Selection
- Successful execution of an organization’s strategy depends on the calibre of its employees
- An organization’s selection decisions must reflect job requirements
- Selection strategy must be well integrated with organizational priorities
- Selection strategy must recognize organizational constraints
- Selection strategy should recognize labour market realities
- Selection ratio - Selection practices must be ethical
Relationship Between Selection Strategy and Other Organizational Variables
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Selection Ratio
The ratio of the number of applicants hired to the total number of applicants available.
1:25 Large number of applicants
1:3 Low quantity
Steps in the Selection Process:
Preliminary Reception of Applicants
Initial contact with applicants
Walk-ins may receive preliminary interview
Write-ins often receive letter of acknowledgment
This step has disappeared in many organizations with the increasing use of Internet recruitment
Applicant Screening
Remove from consideration applicants who do not meet qualifications
Weighted application blank (WAB)
Ensure application is useful and meets legal requirements
Biographical information blanks (BIB)
Administration of Employment Tests
Types of Tests
-Personality Tests
-Ability Tests; Knowledge Tests
-Performance Tests
(Situational Judgment Tests, Assessment Centres)
-Computer-interactive Tests
-Integrity Tests
Reliability - Test yields consistent results
Validity - test accurately measures
Empirical approaches
-Predictive validity
-Concurrent validity
Rational approaches
-Content validity
-Construct validity
-Differential validity
Employment Interviews
Employment Interviews:
-Supervisors should have input into the final hiring decision
-Common (and expected) as part of the selection process; covered in more detail
Realistic Job Previews
Realistic Job Previews:
-Shows the candidate the type of work, equipment & working conditions
-Highlights positive & negative
-Tends to reduce employee turnover
STEP 6 Verification of References
Employment references:
-Discuss applicant’s work history
-Former supervisors may not be candid, especially with negative information
-Reference letters
-Background checks
Contingent Assessments
Assessment of health, medical, and driving information
May be scheduled after the hiring decision
Drug tests are increasingly used but may be found to violate employee rights
Hiring Decision
Marks the end of the selection process:
-Update HRIS
-Retain applications for future
Tradeoffs among predictors:
-Subjective Approach
-Multiple Cutoff Approach
-Compensatory Approach
After Selection
When drawing up the employment contract, pay attention to:
-Specify probationary period if applicable.
-Specify start date and terms of employment clearly.
-Specify reasonable restrictive covenants.
-Ensure that termination procedures are legally enforceable.
Dispositioning of Applicants
Throughout the selection process there will be applicants the organization no longer wishes to pursue
The organization’s decision should be communicated with these applicants at the earliest possible opportunity
Applicants who are hired should have their applications stored on the HRIS
Employment Interviews
Formal, in-depth conversation conducted to evaluate the applicant’s acceptability
Most widely used selection technique
-Allows a personal impression
-Opportunity to sell a job to a candidate
-Opportunity to answer candidate’s questions
-Effective public relations tool
-Popular due to flexibility and creates two-way exchange
-Flaw relates to varying reliability and validity
Types of Interviews
Interviews may be conducted one-to-one, panel, or group interview:
Unstructured interviews
-Few if any planned questions
-Lacks the reliability of a structured interview
Structured interviews
-Pre-determined set of questions
-May improve reliability and validity over traditional unstructured interviews
Types of Structured Interviews
Behavioural Description Interviews
-Based on principle that the best predictor of future behaviour is past behaviour
Situational Interviews
-Focus on situations likely to arise on the job
-Applicants asked what they would do
Stress-Producing Interviews
-Rapid questioning to assess how applicants handle stressful situations
Stages in a Typical Interview
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Employment Interview Stages
Interview Preparation
-Develop specific questions/answers
Creation of Rapport
-Interviewer is responsible for establishing rapport
Information Exchange
-Heart of the interview
Termination (i.e., drawing the session to a close)
Evaluation (i.e., use of a checklist)
Interviewer Errors
Halo effect
Leading questions
Interviewer domination
Contrast errors
Interviewee Errors
May be trying to cover job-related weaknesses or nervousness
Examples include:
-Playing games (e.g., acting nonchalant)
-Talking too much
-Not listening
-Being unprepared
Evaluating the Selection
Quality and productivity of the workforce
-Are supervisors/peers satisfied with hires?
-Are training costs increasing?
-Are managers spending too much time managing new hires?
-Are grievances, absences, and turnover too high?
Costs incurred are at a level appropriate to the organization