Chapter 6: Planning and Navigation Flashcards
Represents the purposeful decision making and execution that a system utilizes to achieve its highest-order goals.
Navigation competence
Given partial knowledge about its environment and a goal position or series of positions,
navigation encompasses the ability of the robot to act based on its knowledge and sensor values,
so as to reach its goal positions as efficiently and reliably as possible.
Path planning
Given a map and a goal location, identify a trajectory that will cause the robot to reach the goal location when executed.
Obstacle avoidance
Given real-time sensor readings, modulate the trajectory of the robot in order to avoid collisions.
A robot system is complete if and only if,
for all possible problems (i.e. initial belief states, maps and goals),
when there exists a trajectory to the goal belief state,
the system will achieve the goal belief state.
Path-planning: Graph search
A connectivity graph in free space is first constructed and then searched. The graph construction process is often performed offline.
Path-planning: Potential field planning
A mathematical function is imposed directly on the free space.
The gradient of this function can then be followed to the goal.
Visibility graph
The visibility graph for a polygonal configuration space C consists of edges joining all pairs of vertices that can see each other (including both the initial and goal positions as vertices as well).
The unobstructed straight lines (roads) joining those vertices are obviously the shortest distances between them.
The task of the path planner is then to find a (shortest) path from the initial position to the goal position along the roads defined by the visibility graph.
2 Caveats when employing visibility graph search
- The size of the representation and the number of edges and nodes increase with the number of obstacle polygons.
Therefore, the method is extremely fast and efficient in sparse environments, but it can be slow and inefficient compared to other techniques when used in densely populated environments. - Solution paths found by graph search tend to take the robot as close as possible to obstacles on the way to the goal. More formally, we can prove that the shortest solutions on the visibility graph are optimal in terms of path length.
Voronoi diagram
A complete road map that tends to maximise the distance between the robot and obstacles on the map.
For each point in free space, its distance to the nearest obstacle is computed. If you plot that distance as the height coming out of the page, it increases as you move away from an obstacle.
At points that are equidistance from two or more obstacles, such a distance plot has sharp ridges.
The Voronoi diagram consists of the edges formed by these sharp ridge points.
2 Weaknesses of Voronoi diagram solution paths
They are usually far from optimal in the sense of total path length.
In the case of limited range localization sensors. Since its edges maximize the distance to obstacles, any short-range sensor on the robot will be in danger of failing to sense its surroundings.
Exact cell decomposition
The boundary of cells is based on geometric criticality. The resulting cells are either completely free of completely occupied, and therefore path planning in the network is complete.
The particular position of the robot within each cell of free space does not matter. What matters is the robot’s ability to traverse from each free cell to adjacent free cells.
Key disadvantage of exact cell decomposition
The number of cells, and therefore the overall computational planning efficiency, depends on the density and complexity of objects in the environment.
Lattice graph
Formed by constructing a base set of edges, and then repeating it over the whole configuration space to form a graph.
Why is randomized graph search useful in path planning?
When encountering complex high-dimensional path planning problems, it becomes infeasible to solve them exhaustively within reasonable time limits.
Reverting to heuristic search is often not possible due to the lack of an appropriate heuristic function.
Reduction of problem dimensionality frequently fails due to velocity and acceleration constraints imposed on the model.
Randomized search becomes useful as it forgoes solution optimality for faster computation.
Rapidly Exploring Random Trees (RRTs)
RRTs typically grow a graph online during the search process and thus a priori only require an obstacle map, but no graph decomposition.
The algorithm begins with an initial tree (which might be empty) and then successifvely adds nodes, connected via edges, until a termination condition is triggered.
During each step, a random configuration q_rand in the free space is selected. The tree node closest to q_rand (denoted q_near) is then computed.
Starting from q_near, an edge is grown toward q_rand using an appropriate robot motion model.
The configuration q_new at the end of this edge is then added to the tree if the connecting edge is collision-free.
Potential field path planning
Creates a field, or gradient, across the robot’s map that directs the robot to the goal position from multiple prior positions.
Local obstacle avoidance
Local obstacle avoidance focuses on changing the robot’s trajectory as informed by its sensors during robot motion.
The resulting robot motion is both a function of the robots current or recent sensor readings and its goal position and relative location to the goal position.
Bug algorithm
Simple obstacle-avoidance algorithm.
Follow the contour of each obstacle in the robot’s way and thus circumnavigate it.
Bugl algorithm
Bug1 vs Bug2
With Bug1, the robot fully circles the object first, then departs from the point with the shortest distance toward the goal.
With Bug2, the robot begins to follow the object’s contour, but departs immediately when it is able to move directly toward the goal.