Chapter 5: Mobile Robot Localization Flashcards
4 Building blocks of navigation
- perception
- localization
- cognition
- motion control
4 Building blocks of navigation
The robot must interpret its sensors to extract meaningful data.
4 Building blocks of navigation
The robot must determine its position in the environment.
4 Building blocks of navigation
The robot must decide how to act to achieve its goals.
4 Building blocks of navigation
Motion control
The robot must modulate its motor outputs to achieve the desired trajectory.
5 Sources of odometric error
- Limited resolution during integration (time increments, measurement resolution, etc.)
- Misalignment of the wheels (deterministic)
- Uncertainty in the wheel diameter and in particular unequal wheel diameter (deterministic).
- Variation in the contact point of the wheel.
- Unequal floor contact (slipping, nonplanar surface, etc.)
Key advantage of the multiple-hypothesis representation regarding position
The robot can explicitly maintain uncertainty regarding its position.
If the robot only acquires partial information regarding position from its sensors and effectors, that information can be conceptually incorporated in an updated belief.
Robot Localization
2 Update steps
- Prediction (or action) update
- Perception (or measurement, or correction) update.
Prediction update
The robot uses its prioprioceptive sensorts to estimate its configuration.
E.g. the robot estimates its motion using the encoders.
Perception update
The robot uses information from its exteroceptive sensors to correct the position estimated during the prediction phase.
E.g. the robot uses a rangefinder to measure its current distance from a wall and corrects accordingly the position estimated during the prediction phase.
Robot localization
A robot cannot measure its true pose. It can only know the best estimate of its pose.
The best guess about the robot state (pose) is called belief.
Denote the belief over a state variable xₜ by bel(xₜ):
bel(xₜ) = p(xₜ | z₁→ₜ , u₁→ₜ)
represents the probability of the robot being at xₜ given all its past observations z₁→ₜ
and all its past control inputs u₁→ₜ
5 Ingredients of probabilistic map-based localization
- Initial probability distribution
- Map of the environment
- Data
- Probabilistic motion model
- Probabilistic measurement model
5 Ingredients of probabilistic map-based localization
Initial probability distribution
In the case where the initial robot location is unknown, the initial belief bel(x₀)
is a uniform distribution over all poses.
Conversely, if the location is perfectly known, the initial belief is a Dirac delta function.
5 Ingredients of probabilistic map-based localization
Map of the environment
The environment map M = {m₀, m₁, ..., mₘ}
must be known.
If the map is not known a priori, then the robot needs to build a map of the environment.
5 Ingredients of probabilistic map-based localization
For localizing, the robot needs to use data from its prioprioceptive and exteroceptive sensors.
Denote with zₜ
the current reading from the exteroceptive sensor.
Denote with uₜ
the reading from the prioprioceptive sensor or the control input.