Chapter 6 Module 3 Flashcards
J. J. Thompson conducted experiments on electric currents and concluded that the movement of negatively charged particles, which were called ________ for the Greek word for Amber, was responsible for the attractive quality of some materials
Atoms are made of three basic particles. They are ________ and neutrons in the nucleus and ________ located around the nucleus at a distance from it. 
Protons; electrons
Electricity involves the movement of __________ from atom to atom
What is true regarding the charge of protons and electrons
Protons have a positive charge
The charge of protons and electrons is opposite
Electrons and protons cannot be separated from their charge
An attractive electrical force is experienced when two ________ charges approach one another
The word electricity is based upon the Greek word for
Ions are formed when
Atoms either gain additional electrons or give up existing electrons
True or False: electrons move around an atom and always remain with that atom
Electrical, light, and chemical phenomena involve the movement of
The difference between a positive ion and a negative ion is that a negative ion has
More electrons than protons and a positive ion has more protons than electrons
Electrons have a _________ charge and protons have a ________ charge
Negative; positive
A charge that can reside on an object and change as the result of a gain or loss of electrons is called a _______ charge
If two positive charges are pushed toward one another, the resulting force will be
An electrostatic charge can build on an object as ________ removes electrons from it, direct contact occurs between charged objects, or _________ forces a realignment of the electrons already on an object
Friction; induction
Ions always have ________
An unequal number of protons and electrons
An electrostatic induction occurs when one charged object
Forces a realignment of electrons in a nearby material
An atom that loses or gains electrons from its neutral state is said to be ionized. If it gains electrons from the neutral state, it will be ________ ion
Static electricity involves the gain or loss of ________ from an object; these particles do not leave the object until there is a discharge
Materials that have electrons that are free to move about are __________ and those that do not are _______
Conductors; insulators