Chapter 6 - Major Radiation of Fishes Flashcards
- Endochondrial bone - bone that develops from cartilage
- Operculum - bony gill covering that prevents backflow
Synapomorphies of Actinopterygii
- Parallel arrays of closely packed radial bones support the base of the fins
- Single dorsal fin
- Scales composed of ganoine (glassy, multilayered, mineralized tissue)
Order Polypteriformes - Birchir and Reedfish
- The most basal lineage of extant Actinopterygii
- Elongate, heavily armored fishes from Africa
- Flag-like dorsal finlets with spines
- Fleshy bases of pectoral fins
- Modified heterocercal tail
- Ganoid scales - shiny, enamol-like surface
- Well-ossified skeleton (ossify - to turn into bone)
- Paired ventral lungs
Clade Actinopteri
- Includes all actinopterygii, except the order Polypteriformes
- Synapomorphy for clade
- Swim bladder derived from lung
Order Acipenserformes - Derived Characters
- Endochondrial bone absent
Order Acipenserformes - Family Acipenseridae (Sturgeons)
- Large, active benthic fish
- Teeth absent in adults
- Five rows of enlarged armor-like scales along the body
- Reduced dermal skeleton
- Heterocercal tail armored with specialized series of scales
- Protrusible jaws
Order Acipenserformes - Family Polyondontidae (Paddlefish)
- Even greater reduction of dermal skeleton
- Greatly elongated and flattened rostrum
Synapomorphies of Neopterygians
- Upper pharyngeal teeth consolidated into tooth bearing plates
- Abbreviated heterocercal tail
Primitive Neopterygians - Order Lepisosteiformes (Gar)
- Elongated jaws
- Thick armor
- Needlelike teeth
Primitive Neopterygians - Order Amiiformes (Bowfin)
- Single species Amia calva
- Cycloid scales - thin, pliable scales formed of a thin sheet of bone-like material and underlying tissue
- Mobile maxilla (upper jaw)
Synapomorphies of Telostei
- Premaxilla mobile allows for protrusible jaw and greater suction
- Powerful movable pharyngeal jaws
- Homocercal tail - symmetrical and flexible tail that allows the fish to swim horizontally without using its paired fins
- More diverse paired fins
- Uroneaural - modified posterior neural arches that support the dorsal side
- Thin-scaled or lack scales entirely
Clade Osteoglossomorpha
- Found in tropical freshwaters
- Synapomorphy - Well developed teeth on the parasphenoid (one of the bones comprising the roof of the mouth)
Clade Elopomorpha
- Leptocephalus larva - specialized larva that are adrift currents for a long time
- Most are eel-like and marine
Clade Clupeomorpha
- Specialized mouth and gill straining apparatus for feeding on plankton
- Silvery scales
- Mostly marine schooling fish
Clade Euteleostei
- Vast majority of extant teleost are in the clade Euteleostei
- Nuptial tubercles - structures located on the head, body, or fins that are made of epidermal cells that helps the contact between males and females during mating by providing friction