Chapter 6 key terms Flashcards
Image result for biome
A biome is a large area characterized by its vegetation, soil, climate, and wildlife.
the weather conditions prevailing in an area in general or over a long period.
Latitude is the measurement of distance north or south of the Equator.
the height of an object or point in relation to sea level or ground level.
tropical rain forest
The tropical rainforest is a hot, moist biome where it rains all year long.
emergent layer
The emergent layer is where the tallest trees can be found, poking high above the dense treetops of the canopy layer just below.
an ornamental cloth covering hung or held up over something, especially a throne or bed.
a plant that grows on another plant but is not parasitic, such as the numerous ferns, bromeliads, air plants, and orchids growing on tree trunks in tropical rainforests.
he understory is the underlying layer of vegetation in a forest or wooded area, especially the trees and shrubs growing between the forest canopy and the forest floor.
temperate rain forest
The main areas of its occurrence are in South America; eastern Australia; southern China, Korea, and Japan; small areas of southeastern North America and southern Africa; and all of New Zealand
temperate deciduous forest
The Temperate Deciduous Forest runs across the north-east coast of the United States of America surrounding the Great Lakes and the Appalachian Mountains.
The taiga is a forest of the cold, subarctic region.
A savanna is a rolling grassland scattered with shrubs and isolated trees, which can be found between a tropical rainforest and desert biome.
The definition of temperate is a mild or moderate climate, or a showing of self-restraint. An island that does not experience wild swings in temperature is an example of an island with a temperate climate
Image result for grassland
Grassland biomes consist of large open areas of grass. Trees can be present, but they are infrequent
chaparral, vegetation composed of broad-leaved evergreen shrubs, bushes, and small trees usually less than 2.5 m
abandon (a person, cause, or organization) in a way considered disloyal or treacherous.
(The word “tundra” derives from the Finnish word tunturia, meaning barren or treeless hill.) Instead, the tundra has patchy, low-to-ground vegetation consisting of small shrubs, grasses, mosses, sedges, and lichens,
As Earth’s climate warms, the permafrost is thawing. That means the ice inside the permafrost melts