Chapter 6 Highlights Flashcards
Cardiac pain can be felt along___ supply
Chest pain is often felt along the ____ nerve supply
When should you refer a patient who is experiencing dyspnea?
mod/severe SOB when climb 1 flight stairs, awakens mid night or SOB in lying
_____ and _____ are lab indicators of muscle and liver impairment
Liver enzymes and creatine kinase
greatest risk factor of CV problems in women
Most common trigger of unstable angina is
bursting of cholesterol-filled plaque in lining of coronary artery
At what time in the day are you at greatest risk of MI
Early sign of Right ventricular failure
Dependent edema in the LEs
Peripheral artery aneurysms affect the
femoral and popliteal arteries
95% of abdominal aortic aneurysms occur just below
the kidney (renal arteries) with referred pain just below the thoracolumbar junction
If you have a prolapsed heart valve, which valve is it most likely?
Most common sites of arthralgias with endocarditis
Most common sites (in order from greatest to least) - shoulder, knee, hip, wrist, ankle, MTPs, MCPs, and AC joints
the most common cardiac lesion associated with SLE is
most common cardiac dysrhythmia=
first s/s of arterial occlusive disease=
loss of hair on the toes
Which test is better for determining presence of PE: Homan’s or Autars
Diuretics Lower BP by
eliminating Na and water
Alpha1 blockers – end “zosin” Lower BP by
dilating blood vessels
Ca-channel blockers Ca constricts blood vessels – inhibit Ca from entering blood vessels =
Dilate coronary arteries, prevent angina
3 P’s =
pleuritic pain (diaphragm movement, no pain with holding breath), pain on palpation, pain with changes in position (pain worse when lying down, improves with sitting up and leaning over)