Chapter 6 - Fourier Transforms Flashcards
Fo = ao/2
an = Fn+ + Fn-
bn = i(Fn+ - Fn-)
Fn+ = 1/2(an - i*bn)
= 1/2L ∫ f(x) e^(-inπx/k) dx
-where the integral is taken from -L to L
Fn- = 1/2(an + i*bn)
= 1/2L ∫ f(x) e^(inπx/k) dx
-where the integral is taken from -L to L
The Fourier Transform
-the Fourier Transform of a function f(x) for which:
∫|f(x)| dx < ∞
-i.e. the integral (between -∞ and +∞) is finite, is defined as:
F(k) = 1/√(2π) ∫f(x)*e^(-ikx) dx
-where -∞
The Fourier Transform Inverse
f(x) = 1/√(2π) ∫F(k)*e^(ikx) dk
-where -∞
Differences Between Fourier Series and the Fourier Transform
1) the discrete index n has been replaces by a continuous parameter k, and the summation over n has been replaced by integration over k
2) the range of integration of x has changed from (-L,L) to (-∞,∞)
3) the integral has been normalised differently
Useful Properties
-Let Ƒ(f) and Ƒ(g) denote the Fourier transforms of the functions f(x) and g(x)
-then for constants a and b:
Ƒ(af+bg) = aƑ(f) + bƑ(g)
Useful Properties
Dilation of x
-for a>0, we find:
Ƒ(f(ax)) = 1/a F(k/a)
Useful Properties
The First Shift Theorem
-for constant a,
Ƒ(f(x-a)) = e^(-iak) Ƒ(f(x))
Useful Properties
The Second Shift Theorem
Ƒ[e^(iax) f(x)] = F(k-a)
-in terms of the Inverse Fourier Transform, the second shift theorem takes the form:
Ƒ^(-1)[F(k-1)] = e^(iax) Ƒ^(-1)[F(k)]
-which is of the form of the first shift theorem
Useful Properties
Fourier Transform of the Derivative
-suppose f(x) is piecewise smooth, f(x) and f’(x) are integrable and f(x)->0 as |x|->∞
Ƒ[f’(x)] = ikƑ[f(x)]
Useful Properties
The Derivative of the Fourier Transform
-suppose f(x) and xf(x) are integrable
Ƒ[xf(x)] = i d/dk Ƒ[f(x)] = i F’(k)
The Gaussian Function
-the Gaussian Function is defined as:
f(x) = e^(-ax²)
-for a positive constant a
Integrate the Gaussian Function
I = ∫ e^(-ax²) dx = √[π/a]
-where the integral is taken between -∞ and +∞
Fourier Transform of the Gaussian Function
f(x) = e^(-1/2 x²)
F(k) = e^(-1/2 k²)
-with F(0)=1
Fourier Transform of u(x,t)
Status of x and t
- the variables x and t have a different status
- the variable x is the variable in the definition of the Fourier Transform
- the variable t is playing the role of an evolution parameter