Chapter 3 - Orthogonal Functions and Sturm-Liouville Eigenvalue Problems Flashcards
The Boundary Value Problem
y’’ + λy = 0
y(0) = 0
y(1) = 0
The Boundary Value Problem
Case 1 : λ= -k²<0
-here the general solution is: y(x) = c1*e^(kx) + c2*e^(-kx) -boundary conditions imply: y(0) = c1 + c2 = 0 y(1) = c1e^k + c2e^(-k) => c1 = c2 = 0 -since e^(2k) has no real solutions for real k≠0 -therefore the only solution is the trivial solution: y(x) = 0
The Boundary Value Problem
Case 2: λ = 0
-here the general solution is: y(x) = c1 + c2*x -boundary conditions imply: y(0) = c1 = 0 y(1) = c1 + c2 = 0 => c1 = c2 = 0 -the only solution is the trivial solution: y(x) = 0
The Boundary Value Problem
Case 3 : λ = ω²>0
-here the general solution is: y(x) = c1*cos(ωx) + c2*sin(ωx) -boundary conditions imply: y(0) = c1 = 0 so: y(1) = c2*sin(ω) = 0 -to avoid the trivial solution (c2=0), we must CHOOSE ω to satisfy sinω=0 -this means: ω = nπ, for some integer n -so λn = ω² = n²π²
Eigenvalues and Eigenfunctions Lemma
-the boundary value problem has nontrivial solutions only for an infinite sequence of values λ labelled λn
-for each eigenvalue λn, there is a unique eigenfunction yn given by:
λn = n²π² and yn = sin(nπx)
-for n ≥1
The Lagrange Identity
LHS = d/dx(yn*ym' - ym*yn') -use the product rule: = yn*ym'' - ym*yn'' -sub in using the BVP: = (λn-λm) yn ym = RHS -integrate both sides over interval [0,1] and use the boundary conditions of the BVP: (λn-λm) ∫ yn ym dx = [ynym' - ymyn']|0,1 = 0 -therefore λn≠λm => ∫ yn ym dx = 0 for m≠n
Inner Product Space
-we interpret the orthogonality relation and lagrange identity as an inner product on the linear space of functions L, which are smooth and satisfy:
∫ (f(x))² dx < ∞
-where the integral is taken from 0 to 1
Inner Product
-on the inner product space we define:
⟨f,g⟩ = ∫ f(x) g(x) dx
-we see that with respect to this inner product:
⟨ym,yn⟩ = 0 for m≠n
Orthogonality and Inner Product Formula
⟨ym,yn⟩ = 1/2 * 𝛿m,n
-where 𝛿m,n is the Kroneker delta:
𝛿mn = {0, for m≠n 1, for m=n
Sturm-Liouville Form
Starting Form
A(x)y’’ + B(x)y’ + (C(x)+λD(x))y = 0
- where A, B, C and D are some functions of x
- and λ is some parameter
- any equation in this form can be put into Sturm-Liouville form
Sturm-Liouville Form
d/dx (p(x)*dy/dx) + q(x)y + λσ(x)y = 0
Putting an Equation into Sturm-Liouville Form
-any equation of the form: A(x)y'' + B(x)y' + (C(x)+λD(x))y = 0 -can be put into Sturm-Liouville form -multiply by an integrating factor R(x) -use the product rule to rewrite the first term R(x)A(x)y'' as (RAy')'-(RA)'y' -choose R(x) in order to eliminate the coefficient of y'(x): R(x)B(x) - d/dx[R(x)A(x)] = 0 => R'/R = B/A - A'/A R(x) = 1/A(x) * exp(∫B/A dx) -giving Sturm-Liouville form: d/dx (p(x)*dy/dx) + q(x)y + λσ(x)y = 0 -where: p(x) = R(x)A(x) q(x) = R(x)C(x) σ(x) = R(x)D(x)
Sturm-Liouville Eigenvalue Problem
Standard Form
-we want to consider the eigenvalue problem (BVP) associated with the general equation of Sturm-Liouville type:
d/dx (p*dy/dx) + qy + λσy = 0
a0 for all x in the range a≤x≤b and λ interpreted as the eigenvalue
Sturm-Liouville Eigenvalue Problem
-let ym and yn be the be eigenfunctions of:
d/dx (pdy/dx) + qy + λσy = 0
-then using the Lagrange Identity;
(λn-λm) ∫σymyn dx
= [p * (ynym’ - ym*yn’)]|a,b
-where the integral is evaluated between a and b
-there are two conditions which would make the RHS vanish:
i) α1yn(a) + α2yn’(a) = 0
β1yn(b) + β2yn’(b) = 0
OR ii) p(x) satisfies p(a)=p(b)=0 -if one of these conditions holds then we have: λm≠λn => ∫σ*ym*yn dx = 0
Sturm-Liouville Eigenvalue Problem
Inner Product Space
-we have chosen a and b so that RHS=0, then λm≠λn => ∫σ*ym*yn dx = 0 -we again interpret this as an inner product on the linear space of functions L which are smooth and satisfy: ∫σ*ym*yn dx < ∞ -on space we define the inner product: ⟨f,g⟩ = ∫σ*f(x)*g(x) dx -then: ⟨ym,yn⟩ = ∫σ*ym*yn dx = 0 for m≠n
Legendre’s Equation
Sturm-Liouville Form
d/dx [(1-x²)y’] + λy = 0, -1 0 for all x
-and (a.b) = (-1,1) to avoid the singular points x=±1
What is a generating function?
- a generating function is a way of encoding an infinite sequence of numbers an, by treating them as coefficients of a power series
- the sum of this infinite series is the generating function
The Legendre Polynomial
Generating Function
-the Legendre polynomial Pn is the coefficient of t^n in the following expansion:
G(x,t) = (1-2tx+t²)^(-1/2)
= ΣPn(x)*t^n
-using a binomial expansion, the first few terms are easily computed:
G(x,t) = 1 + xt + 1/2(3x²-1)t² + 1/2(5x³-3x)t³ + ….
-giving the first few Legendre polynomials as:
Po = 1
P1 = x
P2 = 1/2(3x²-1)
P3 = 1/2(5x³-3x)
2nd Order Recurrence Relation
(n+1) P = (2n+1)xP-n*P
-where <> indicates subscript
2nd Order Recurrence Relation
- start with the generating formula and differentiate with respect to t
- write G’ in terms of G
- then sub in G=ΣP(x)*t^n
- sub in for coefficients of t^n, this is the recurrence relation
2nd Order Recurrence Relation
Initial Conditions
-since this is a 2nd order relation we need two initial conditions, Po and P1
-from the binomial expansion of the generating function we already have Po=1
-sub this in to the recurrence relation for n=0:
P1 = x*Po = x
-continue subbing in for P2, P3, … etc.
Inner Product of Legendre’s Polynomials
-from general Sturm-Liouville theory, we have: ⟨f,g⟩ = ∫f(x)g(x) dx -where the integral is taken between -1 and 1 Pn = Eigenfunction λn = n(n+1) = eigenvalue λn≠λm if n≠m -but what about n=m? -we can show that in general: ⟨Pn,Pn⟩ = 2/(2n+1) -by induction
Legendre Polynomials
Rodrigues’ Formula
-the Legendre Polynomials can also be generated by the formula:
Pn = 1/(n!*2^n) d’n/dx^n (x²-1)^n
-known as Rodrigues’ Formula
-this is straight forward when n is small, just sub in n=1, 2, 3 etc.
Expansions in Terms of Legendre Polynomials
-given a function f(x), its Taylor Expansion about x=0 is:
f(x) = Σ f’n (0) * x^n/n!
-the formulae for the Legendre Polynomials
Po=1, P1=x, P2=1/2(3x²-1), …
-these formulae can be inverted:
1 = Po , x=P1, x² = 1/3(2P2+Po), …
-this is a change of basis so the Taylor Expansion can be replaced by:
f(x) = an*Pn(x)
-to find coeffiecients an, ise the orthogonality relations:
⟨Pn,Pm⟩ = 2/(2n+1) * 𝛿n,m
am = (2m+1)/2 * ⟨f,Pn⟩
= (2m+1)/2 * ∫ f(x) * Pm(x) dx
-where the integral is taken from -1 to +1
Hermite Polynomials
Sturm-Liouville Form
-Hermite's equation has Sturm-Liouville form: d/dx (e^(-x²/2) dy/dx) \+ λ*e^(-x²/2) * y -so σ(x) = e^(-x²/2) -and the range (a,b) is chosen as (-∞,∞)
Hermite Polynomials
Inner Product
⟨f,g⟩ = ∫ f(x)g(x)e^(-x²/2) dx
-where the integral is taken between -∞ and ∞
Hermite Polynomials
Generating Function
G(x,t) = e^(xt-t²/2)
= Σ Hn(x) * t^n/n!
Hermite Polynomials
Rodrigues’ Formula
-the Hermite polynomials can also be generated using Rodrigues’ formula:
Hn = (-1)^n * e^(x²/2) * d^n/dx^n[e^(-x²/2)]
Hermite Polynomials
Formula for ⟨Hn,Hn⟩
⟨Hn,Hn⟩ = n! *⟨Ho,Ho⟩
⟨Ho,Ho⟩ = ∫ e^(x²/2) dx = √(2π)
The Boundary Value Problem
Eigenvalues and Eigenfunctions
λn = n²π² yn = sin(nπx)