Chapter 6 - Financial Reporting By Groups Of Companies Flashcards
What is the purpose and requirements of IFRS 10?
IFRS 10 (Consolidated FS) defines the principle of control and sets out the requirement for entities to consolidate for entities it controls.
What are the requirements to prepare group accounts under statute?
CA2006 sets out requirements to consolidate. Small groups that meet 2 out of the 3 size criteria relating to turnover, balance sheet total and employees (on a consolidated basis) are exempt from preparing group accounts.
Agg turnover gross(net) - £12.2m (£10.2m)
Agg BS total gross(net) - £6.1m (£5.1m)
Agg no. of employees - 50
What are the 3 control elements in accordance with IFRS 10?
- Power (>50% voting rights)
- Rights to Variable Returns (rights to returns/dividends)
- Ability to use power over investee to affect amount of investor returns (control of board).
What is the basic method of consolidation?
The parent and subsidiary accounts are simply added up line-by-line to create total figures for the group.
Items to be considered:
- Intra-group items: must be eliminated (include purchase and sale of inventories/assets between the group)
- The parent’s investment in the subsidiary, carried as an investment in its balance sheet, is eliminated
- The accounting policies of all group companies must be aligned
- Subsidiaries should have the same reporting date as the parent. Where impracticable, the most recent FS of the subsidiary are used with adjustments for significant transactions. Special accounts will need to be prepared if the difference is greater than 3 months
- Any share of a subsidiary’s results that belongs to a NCI or minority interest must be disclosed at the foot of the BS and income statement and in the statement of changes in equity.
What is the purpose and requirement of IFRS 3?
Requires business combinations to be accounted using the “acquisition method”, meaning assets and liabilities of the investee are to be measured at their fair values at the acquisition/merger date.
IFRS 3 requires the reporting entity to:
- identify the acquirer (for example, when an acquirer entity buys another
using cash or its own shares as currency);
- determine the acquisition date (the date control passes to the acquirer);
- recognise and measure the identifiable assets acquired, the liabilities
assumed and any NCI in the acquiree; and
- recognise and measure goodwill or gain.
What is goodwill?
Price paid at acquisition will normally exceed the fair market value of a company’s net assets. Difference = goodwill.
Amount paid for other factors e.g. reputation.
Goodwill can be negative which is called a “gain on a bargain purchase”. Negative goodwill should be re-calculated to ensure there are no errors and then recognised immediately in the PandL.
How should you account for the impairment of goodwill?
- Should be capitalised in the consolidated SOFP and reviewed for impairment annually as per IAS 36.
- The asset is impaired when the carrying value exceeds its recoverable value.
- The fair market value of a goodwill asset could drop below carrying value as a result of; adverse economic conditions, increased competition, legal implications, loss of key personnel, declining revenue and market value.
- An impairment is recognised as loss in the PandL and as a reduction in the goodwill in BS.
How should you account for the purchase consideration of a subsidiary?
To ensure accurate figures are calculated for goodwill, the consideration paid must be measured at fair value.
Consideration given by a parent entity can be split into four categories:
1) Cash
2) Shares in the parent company
3) Deferred consideration
4) Contingent consideration
What is deferred consideration?
The amount payable at a future date by an acquirer to the acquiree in a business combination after a predefined time period (often linked to performance targets).
Primarily driven by tax and accounting considerations. Present value of the amount payable is recorded as the part of the consideration at the date of acquisition. Interest normally accrues on the deferred consideration.
What is contingent consideration?
An uncertain amount that is payable at a future date by an acquirer to the acquire in a business combination which is linked to a specified future event or condition met within a pre-defined time period, such as financial performance of the acquiree.
What are the main adjustments for consolidated SOFP?
- Investment in the subsidiary is replaced by the goodwill figure. Only the share capital and share premium balances related to the parent are used in the consolidation. Total of share capital and share premium from the subsidiary remains unchanged at both acquisition and reporting date and is therefore removed
- Intra-group items such as sales, purchased, unrealised profit and balances are eliminated to avoid double counting
- Profits – the group share of the subsidiary’s profit is calculated and added to the overall group retained earnings. Pre-acquisition profits are the retained earnings of the subsidiary which exist at the date when it is required and these are therefore excluded from group retained earnings as they belong to the previous shareholders. Post-acquisition profits are profits recognised in retained earnings by the subsidiary at the year-end but earned under the ownership of the new parent and therefore this is recognised in group retained earnings.
- Non-controlling interests – where the parent owns less than 100% of the ordinary share cap of the subsidiary, the profits attributable to NCIs is calculated and shown separately on the face of the consolidated SOFP.
What are the main adjustments for consolidated SOCI?
Revenues and expenses of the parent and the subsidiary are added together with the following adjustments:
Intra-group sales and purchases are eliminated. Any unrealised profits on intra-group trading should also be excluded. The unrealised profit on unsold inventories of the purchasing company is therefore calculated to reduce from the consolidated gross profit. The unrealised profit will be eliminated against the inventory figure.
Net profits attributable to NCIs are calculated and split between amounts attributable to the equity holders of the group and the NCIs. Calculated as NCI% x profits after tax LESS NCI% x provision for unrealised profit
What is the objective of IAS 28?
Prescribe the accounting for investments in associates and also sets out the application of the equity method when accounting for investments in associates and joint ventures.
What are associates?
An entity over which the investor has significant influence and that is neither a subsidiary nor an interest in a joint venture are classed as associates.
“significant influence” is defined as the “power to participate in the financial and operating policy decisions of the investee, by not to control or have joint control over those policies”. Significant influence is assumed with a shareholding of 20% to 50%.
What is a joint venture?
A business arrangement whereby the parties have joint control and agree to pool their resources and expertise to achieve a goal. Obligations and liabilities and risks and rewards are joint. Reasons for forming joint ventures include: business expansion, development of new products or moving into new markets (such as overseas).
A joint venture must recognise its interest in a joint venture as an investment and account for it using the equity method.