Chapter 6: Ethics, Professionalism and Social Responsibility Flashcards
Professional codes
- Aim to regulate the behaviour of people practising a particular profession
Good business practice
- The standards of professionalism, ethics and accountability that should be conducted
- Professionals should be guided by the Professional codes that state that there are predetermined consequences for professionals that do not adhere to the standards
- Illegal is always unethical but unethical is not always illegal
Un/ethical behaviours
- Conflict of interest
- Bribes and corruption
- Unauthorised use of funds
- Innappropriate gifts
- Sexual Harassment
- Unfair advertising
- Employment/labour issues
- Pricing of goods
- Insider Trading
- Piracy
- Counterfeiting/Bootlegging
- Taxation
- Whistle-blowing
Conflict of interest
When someone in the business has the opportunity to make a decision that benefits their personal interest over the business’s
Bribes and corruption
- When a reward is offered to give a third party an advantage that they aren’t entitled to
- Does not have to be monetary, can be a promotion, employment, gift, etc
- If monetary can also be refered to as a soothing payment or facilitation payment
- Corruption is when someone in a position of power abuses that power
Innapropriate gifts
- Al gifts received by en=ployees must be declared
- There may be a limit as to how much a gift may cost
- All these rules are because certian gifts may be viewed as bribes even if there are no strings attached
Unauthorised use of funds
- When someone in the business uses the business’s funds for personal use
- Is the same as theft
Sexual Harassment
- Business must clearly stipulate what sexual harassment entails, the consequences for it and the procedure should someone feel they are a victim of it
- Unwelcomed touching
- Verbal conduct like sexual advanced, sexual jokes, innappropriate questions about personal sex life, unwelcomed whistling
- Sexual gestures, innappropriate exposure or display of sexual content
- Exchanging rewards for sexual favours
Employment/labour issues
- Abusing sick leave
- Verbal abuse of employees/collegues
- Abuse of internet
1. * Watching porn on work internet
2. Making confidential information available
3. Spreading rumours that could damage business/employee
4. Being of social platforms instead of working - Taking work stationery home for personal use
Pricing of Goods
- Price fixing: When the competitiors agree to charge buyers a predetermined price
- It is illegal to charge more in rural areas than in urban areas
- It is illegal for two or more businesses to come together to make their pricing unfair to other businesses
- It is illegal for a business to eliminate the buyer’s freedom of choice by forcing them to only be able to access a product or service through them
Illegal use of reproduction of someone else’s work that has been copyrigthed or patented
Insider trading
When someone trades shares on the JSE based off of information that is confidential
- Tax avoidance: Is a legal and ethical way for a business to find ways to reduce how much tax theyre charged
- Tax avoidance: Is a illegal and unethical way for business’s to pay less taxes by not declaring income and lying about expenses
- Counterfeiting is fraudulently imitating another business’s/person’s work and making it out to be the original
- Bootlegging is the illegal production and/or distribution of a product
- A whistleblower is someone who exposes unethical or illegal acts done by a business or individual
- It is illegal to fire someone for whistle-blowing so blowers are protected by law
Code of ethics in business and finance
- Ethics codes serve as a framework for expected behaviour and the consequences of unethical behaviour
- Guide business decisions
- Communicate ethical vision of the business
- Protects the business if employee breaches the code
- Helps new employees understand what will not be tolerated and what is deemd ethical
- Eliminates confusion when interacting internationally because every group has a different standard of ethics
- Can guide employees and business regarding CSR
- Can create a favourable image to the public and create competitive advantage
Code of ethics in government
- NACF:National Anti-Corruption Forum- An initiative to fight against corruption
- National Crime prevention that created the Code of Conduct for the Public Service(governs behavior of civil servants)
- Parliament has a Code of Conduct for Members of Parliament
Ethics in the international market
- Ethical standards in different countries will differ a lot
- Business must be aware of what happens within their supply chain
Implications of CSR
- Employee: Happy and appreciated employees perform better and show loyalty, even outside work
- Customer: Creates competitive advantage and has the customers talking good about them
- Supplier: Other businesses will want to associate themselves with ethical and responsible businesses
- Community: Improving community’s standard of living benefits in the long run
- Government: Less likely to enforce through legislation if businesses do it voluntarily
Implications of CSR for the community
- Healthier and well taken care of environment results in healthier people
- More skills lead to less unemployment, which means improved standard of living and less socio-economic issues
- Better control over diseases due to better education
- Feedings schemes take care of basic needs to children can focus on school
- Sponsorships make a difference
FTSE / JSE Responsible investment Index
- Continue the work that was started by the JSE in recognising companies with good Corporate Governance and Integrated reporting
- Measure the policies and procedures of businesses listed on the JSE against the ESG standards
- Promote responsible business standards in SA and beyond
Benefits of the FTSE/JSE Responsible Investment Index
- Promotes ESG disclosure in businesses
- Scores points on the FTSE/JSE which lets shareholders know that the business is transparent and responsible regarding its ESG dealings
- Could create a favourable image and thus competitive advantage
- Companies that market themselves as compliant with the FTSE/JSE Responsible Investment Index will adopt it into their business culture and make it apart of their brand
- Good performance on this thing can benefit the business financially
Global Reporting Initiative
- Is a non profit organisation that promotes reports on sustainability through a Sustainabilty Reporting Framework
- It’s used to promote transparency within all businesses
* Provides guidelines to the business’s impact on environmental, economic and social issues
* Because it’s international, it ensures the relevant businesses are compared to one another in different countries and sectors