Chapter 6- East Asia Flashcards
How many mega cities does East Asia have?
How many cities with more than 1 million people does East Asia have?
How many world cities does East Asia have?
1 _____ city
global city; Tokyo
Changan, China
One of the best expressions of the classic Chinese capital city
Restoration of the Cheonggye stream
Helped to re-brand Seoul as a green city
China has some of the ____ _____ _____ cities
oldest, continuously occupied
Internal structures of East Asian cities
Cities have aspects of both concentric or multiple nuclei model. Hard to generalize. High density sprawl
Traditional city
Ancient cities, mostly built over
Classic Chinese city
Highly formalized and symmetrical design, grid layout
Served as the imperial capital of Japan
The colonial city
Colonizers had a hard time in East Asia
Treaty of Nanjing
The treaty that gave Hong Kong to Britain on lease
Castle town
Economic and administrative functions
Japan colonialism
Western style planning in Taiwan, Korea and Machuria
The industrial city
Rapid industrialization across East Asia
Work unit containing everything you need
Model of the city in PRC
Social effects of industrialization
- High rates of rural to urban migration
- Rising urban rural inequalities
- Inequalities between locals and migrants
- High density development
- Lack of services due to speed of development
Tokyo and Tokaido megalopolis
500km long regional urban belt contains half of Japans population
Maoist era in Beijing
Destroyed the old and built new, wide boulevards and huge Stalin type buildings
The forbidden city
The palace of the empire of Ming and Qing dynasty
Shanghai is one of the best examples of…
poor site but great relative location
Special administrative regions
Autonomous governance unit
Special economic zone
An area ion which business and trade laws are different from the rest of the country (Shenzen)
Jing-Jin-Ji project
Creating a super city in the Beijing region
Colonial enclaves
Bedroom towns