Chapter 1- Intro + General Terms Flashcards
Landscape interpretation
Observe (Landscape interpretation)
Make a list of the things you see
Describe (Landscape interpretation)
What activities are taking place? What is the setting?
Inquire (Landscape interpretation)
What questions arise in your mind
Interpret (Landscape interpretation)
What relationships are there in the landscape?
Extend (Landscape interpretation)
What sources can you find that will help you understand the context?
Over 20 million population
Over 10 million population
Alpha world cities
London, Paris, New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Frankfurt, Milan, Hong Kong, Tokyo, and Singapore
What are world cities?
Cities that are command and control hubs of the global economy
When did the world reach 50% urban population
Ability of a system to recover from shocks
World population
7.6 billion
Percent of urban population
Urban population
4.2 billion
Concentric Zone Model (Burgess model)
Cities residentially segregated based on class. (Draw)
The Sector Model
Cities grow in sectors along transportation corridors giving land-use patterns a directional bias (Draw)
Multiple Nuclei Model
Cities grow around several distinct nodes (Draw)
Inverse Concentric Zone Model
Preindustrial cities (Draw)
As urban areas expand they engulf smaller cities and towns
Galactic metropolis
Where transportation and communications technologies create and reinforce connections among seemingly separate areas
Urban agglomeration
As urban areas expand the engulf smaller cities and towns
Rank size rule
Population of a city should be equal to the country’s largest city divided by its rank
Colonial city
Cities in foreign lands that were dominated by European imperial powers and were mostly commercial
Four stages of urbanization
Primary, secondary, tertiary, and quaternary
Industrial city
City whose economy is based on the production of manufactured goods
Preindustrial city
A city that was founded and grew before the 19th and 20th centuries
The physical characteristics of the place where a city originated
Relative location of a city and its connectedness with other places.
Urban area
A city and its suburbs
Central place theory
Seeks to explain the number, size and range of market services in a commercial system or human settlements in a residential system
The largest cities are surrounded by medium cities that are surrounded by small cities
Metropolitan area
A central city with all surrounding territory including urban and suburban
When work gets detached from the soil with trade, manufacturing, and service provision dominating the economy
When is an area considered Urban?
Economy is no longer tied to agriculture or primary activities
Post-industrial city
Economy is not tied to manufacturing but instead high service sector employment
The joining of metropolitan areas at a regional scale eg Washington to Philadelphia to New York to Boston in a line
Planned cities
Company towns, or new green or administrative cities (Brasilia, Islamabad, Aroville, Amaravati)
Special administrative regions
Autonomous governance unit
Special economic zone
An area where business and trade laws are different from the rest of the country