Chapter 6: Disorders of the Mood Flashcards
Low, sad state marked by significant levels of sadness, lack of energy, low self-worth, guilt, or related symptoms
State or episode of euphoria or frenzied activity in which people may have an exaggerated belief that the world is theirs for the taking
Depressive Disorders
Group of disorders marked by unipolar depression
Unipolar Depression
Depression without a history of mania
Bipolar Disorder
Disorders marked by alternating or intermixed periods of mania and depression
Gender That Is More Likely to Experience a Depressive/Manic Episode
Unipolar Depression Emotional Symptoms
Sad, dejected, crying spells,
Describe themselves as “miserable, empty, humiliated”,
Lose sense of humor, little pleasure,
Anxiety, anger, agitation
Unipolar Depression Motivational Symptoms
Lose desire to pursue their usual activities,
Lack of drive, initiative, spontaneity
Unipolar Depression Behavioral Symptoms
Less active and less productive,
Move/speak more slowly
Unipolar Depression Cognitive Symptoms
Negative views of themselves,
Blame themselves for every bad event,
Unipolar Depression Physical Symptoms
Headaches, indegestion, constipation, dizzy spells,
Disturbances in sleep and appetites
Major Depressive Disorder
Severe pattern of unipolar depression that is disabling and is not caused by such factors as drugs or a general medical condition
Dysthymic Disorder
Mood disorder that is similar to but longer-lasting and less disabling than MDD
Premenstrual Dsyphoric Disorder
Disorder marked by repeated experiences of significant depression and related symptoms during the week before menstruation
Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder
Combo of persistent depressive symptoms and recurrent outbursts of severe temper
Family Pedigree Studies
Determining if family members of a person with depression also show symptoms,
Biological Model of Unipolar Depression
Twin Studies
Both twins likely to have depression if one of them does,
Biological Model of Unipolar Depression
Molecular Biology
Determine whether gene abnormalities relate to depression of that person,
Biological Model of Unipolar Depression
Neurotransmitter whose abnormal activity is linked to depression and panic disorder,
Biological Model of Unipolar Depression
Neurotransmitter whose abnormal activity is linked to depression, OCD, and eating disorders,
Low serotonin = more likely to have depression,
Biological Model of Unipolar Depression
Electroconvulsive Therapy
Electrodes are attached to a patient’s head and send an electrical current through the brain, causing a convulsion,
Biological Model Treatment of Unipolar Depression
MAO Inhibitors
Antidepressant drug that prevents the action of the enzyme monoamine oxidase,
Stops the destruction of norepinephrine,
Biological Model Treatment of Unipolar Depression
Antidepressant drug such as impiramine that has 3 rings in its molecular structure,
Act of neurotransmitter ‘reuptake’ mechanisms,
Biological Model Treatment of Unipolar Depression
Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs)
Group of second-generation antidepressant drugs that increase serotonin activity specifically, without affecting the other neurotransmitters,
Biological Model Treatment of Unipolar Depression
Vagus Nerve Simulation
Treatment in which an implanted pulse generator sends electrical signals to a person’s vagus nerve; which then stimulates the brain,
Biological Model Treatment of Unipolar Depression
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS)
Treatment where an electromagnetic coil is placed on or above a person’s head and sends a current into the brain,
Biological Model Treatment of Unipolar Depression
Deep Brain Stimulation
Pacemaker powers electrodes implanted in Bordmann Area 25, thus stimulating that brain area,
Biological Model Treatment of Unipolar Depression
Psychodynamic Method of Unipolar Depression
Not strongly supported by research
Behavior Method of Unipolar Depression
Received moderate support
Cognitive Method of Unipolar Depression
Considerable research support and gained a large following
Psychodynamic Model of Unipolar Depression
Sigmund Freud and Karl Abraham developed the first explanation and treatment for depression with emphasis on dependence
Symbolic (Imagined) Loss
The loss of a valued object (employment, etc) that is unconsciously interpreted as the lost of a loved one
Psychodynamic Treatment for Unipolar Depression
Free association therapy while suggesting interpretations of the client’s associations, dreams, and displays of resistance
Behavioral Model of Unipolar Depression
Believe depression results from significant changes in the number of rewards and punishments people receive in their lives
Behavioral Treatment for Unipolar Depression
Increase number of rewards experienced
Steps In The Behavioral Treatment for Unipolar Depression
- Therapist chooses fun activities directed to patient
- Therapist ignores depressive behaviors and rewards happy ones
- Clients are trained to have effective social skills
Cognitive Model of Unipolar Depression
Believe people with depression persistently view events in negative ways and that such perceptions lead to their depression
Learned Helplessness
The perception, based on past experience, that one has no control over one’s reinforcements and that they are responsible for this helpless state
Cognitive Triad
3 Forms of negative thinking that Aaron Beck theorizes lead people to feel depressed,
- Experiences
- Themselves
- Their Futures
Automatic Thoughts
Numerous unpleasant thoughts that help to cause or maintain depression, anxiety, or other forms of psychological dysfunction
Cognitive Steps of Treatment of Unipolar Depression (4)
- Increase activities and elevating mood
- Challenging automatic thoughts
- Identifying negative thinking and biases
- Changing primary attitudes
Cognitive Therapy
Helps people identify and change the maladaptive assumptions and ways of thinking that help cause their psychological disorders
Sociocultural Model of Unipolar Depression
Unipolar depression is greatly influenced by the social context that surrounds people
Family-Social Perspective of Sociocultural Model for Unipolar Depression
A decline in social rewards is important in the development of depression,
Divorce/not happy marriage can lead to depression
Treatment For Family-Social Perspective of Sociocultural Model for Unipolar Depression
Interpersonal Psychotherapy,
Couple Therapy
Interpersonal Psychotherapy
Based on the belief that clarifying and changing one’s interpersonal problems will help lead to one’s recovery,
Consists of 4 problems that lead to depression
Interpersonal Loss
Loss of loved one
Interpersonal Role Dispute
Different expectations of the 2 people in a relationship
Interpersonal Role Transition
Major life changes
Interpersonal Deficits
Prevent someone from having intimate relationships,
Extreme shyness, awkwardness, etc
Couple Therapy
Therapist works with 2 people who share a long-term relationship
Multicultural Perspective of Sociocultural Model for Unipolar Depression
Gender and Depression,
Cultural Background and Depression
Gender and Depression
Women are 2 times as likely than men
Artifact Theory
Gender and Depression,
Men and women are equally prone but clinicians fail to detect depression in men
Hormone Explanation
Gender and Depression,
Hormone changes trigger depression in many women (along with other factors)
Life Stress Theory
Gender and Depression,
Women in society experience more stress than men
Body Dissatisfaction Explanation
Gender and Depression,
Females (in western society) are taught to seek a low body weight and very slender body shape
Lack-of-Control Theory
Gender and Depression,
Women feel less control than men over their lives, helplessness
Rumination Theory
Gender and Depression,
Women more likely to ruminate
Keep focusing on one’s feelings when depressed
Cultural Background and Depression
Beyond core symptoms, precise picture of depression varies from country to country
Treatment for Multicultural Perspective of Sociocultural Model for Unipolar Depression
Culture-sensitive therapies seek to address the unique issues faced by members of cultural minority groups
Bipolar Disorder
People experience both the lows of depression and the highs of mania (emotional roller coaster)
Symptoms of Mania (9)
Dramatic and inappropriate rises in mood and activity, Powerful emotions, Irritability and anger, Want constant excitement, involvement, companionship, Very active, move quickly, talk rapidly, Flamboyance, Poor judgment and planning, Optimistic and high self-esteem, Little sleep but not tired
How Is Bipolar Disorder Diagnosed?
Patient displays an abnormally high or irritable mood, increased activity/energy + 3 other mania symptoms for at least 1 week to = a full manic episode
Less Sever Symptoms of Manic Episode
Hypomanic Episode
Bipolar 1 Disorder
Full manic and major depressive episodes
Bipolar 2 Disorder
Mild manic and major depressive episodes
Cyclothymic Disorder
Numerous periods of hypomanic symptoms and mild depressive symptoms,
Occur for 2+ years,
Equal between men and women
Neurotransmitters As Cause To Bipolar Disorder
High norepinephrine activity,
May be linked to low serotonin
Ion Activity As Cause To Bipolar Disorder
Irregularities in the transport of these ions cause neurons to fire too easily (mania) or too stubbornly and resist firing (depression)
Brain Structure As Cause To Bipolar Disorder
Different parts in brain are abnormal or vary in size (basal ganglia and cerebellum are usually smaller than normal)
Genetic Factors As Cause To Bipolar Disorder
Genetic abnormalities probably combine to help bring about bipolar disorders
Used as treatment for bipolar disorder,
Metallic element that occurs in nature as a mineral salt and is an effective treatment
Mood-Stabilizing Drugs
Used as treatment for bipolar disorder,
Psychotropic drugs that help stabilize the moods of people suffering from bipolar disorder
Second Messengers
Used as treatment for bipolar disorder,
Chemical changes within a neuron just after the neuron receives a neurotransmitter message and just before it responds
Neuroprotective Proteins
Used as treatment for bipolar disorder,
Key proteins with certain neurons whose job it is to prevent cell death,
Increase health and functioning of those cells
Adjunctive Psychotherapy
Psychotherapy rarely works by itself, same with the stabilizing drugs,
Use group, family, individual, couple therapy in adjunctive to the mood stabilizing drugs