Chapter 6- Dietary Energy & Cellular Respiration Flashcards
having more bodyfat than is considered healthy
Body Mass Index(BMI)
An estimate of body fat based on height and weight
is the amount of energy required to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water by 1 degree C
Calorie (C)
is 1,000 calories or 1kcal. The calorie is the common unit of energy used in food nutrition labels.
NEAT (non-exercise activity thermogenesis)
the amount of energy expended in everyday activities
Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP)
the molecule that cells use to power energy
Aerobic respiration
A series of reactions that occurs in the presence of oxygen and converts energy stored in food into ATP
A series of reactions that breaks down sugar into smaller units; takes place in the cytoplasm and is the first stage of both aerobic respiration and fermentation
Citric Acid Cycle
A set of reactions that takes place in mitochondria and helps extract energy (in the form of high-energy electrons) from food; the second stage of aerobic respiration.
An electron carrier that can accept electrons, becoming NADH in the process
Electron Transport Chain
The transport of electrons that takes place in mitochondria and produces the bulk of ATP during aerobic respiration; the third stage of aerobic respiration
A series of chemical reactions beginning with glycolysis and taking place in the absence of oxygen. produces far less ATP than does aerobic respiration.
A complex animal carbohydrate, made up of linked chains of glucose molecules, that stores energy for short-time use.
A type of lipid found in fat cells that stores excess energy for long-term use.
How do cells extract energy from food?
Aerobic respiration