chapter 6: cloud interpretation Flashcards
Clouds constitute major factors in determining
the radiation budget of Earth,
Clouds constitute major factors in determining the radiation budget of Earth, and they play crucial roles in
modulating the climate
Cloud properties which are of interest to the meteorologist are:
- cloud top temperature
- cloud top height (or pressure)
- cloud amount (the fractional area coered by clouds)
- phase (ice or water)
- liquid water contenet
- drop size distribution
……………………………………. are the only means by which the global distribution of clouds.
space based instruments
Satellite remote sensing methods for determining these cloud parameters use
date from three sources:
- Visible and infrared imaging instruments (imagers)
- Microwave instruments (microwave radiometers)
- Sounding instruments (sounders)
Cloud estimation can be done using
window channels on imaging instruments
Cloud estimation can be done using window channels on imaging instruments.
These instruments have the advantage of
much higher spatial resolution than sounders.
The most often used technique for cloud characterization is
simple manual inspection of satellite photographs
The most often used technique for cloud characterization is simple manual inspection of satellite photographs
These analyses are used
daily for weather analysis and forecasting and in the construction of nephanalyses
maps showing chiefly cloud type and amount at various atmospheric levels
cloud amount and height can be estimated using
objective techniques like threshold and pattern recognition techniques.
Threshold technique
The simplest, and most frequently used technique for objectively extracting cloud information from digital satellite images is the threshold technique.
The simplest, and most frequently used technique for objectively extracting cloud information from digital satellite images is the threshold technique.
In this, a
visible brightness or infrared temperature threshold is set such that if a pixel is brighter or colder than the threshold, the pixel is assumed to be cloud covered.
The fractional area covered with cloud is simply the
ratio of the number of cloudy pixels to the total number of pixels.
Thresholding is one of the means of
filtering clouds from data to be used in sea surface temperature (SST) retrievals