Chapter 6 Automated and emerging technologies Flashcards
What does automated mean?
A device that is operated without human interaction
What are sensors
A type of input device that is used to capture data from its immediate environment
What is a microprocessor?
An integrated circuit that is able to perform many of the functions of a CPU
What is analogue data?
Continuous data that can be any value without a range
What does digital data mean?
Discrete data that is stored as 1s and 0s
What is an actuator?
A mechanical part that causes another device or part to move
What is automation?
The use of automated equipment in a process
What is a robot?
A machine that replicates human actions or movement
What is robotics?
An area of computer science that looks at the creation and use of robots
What does programmable mean?
A computer that will run the commands stored in it
What is ai?
A part of computer science that looks at creating machines that can think and perform tasks a person would usually perform
What is machine learning?
A computer program tat can adapt its stored rules or processes
What is an expert system?
A system that attempts to replicate the knowledge of an expert
What is a knowledge base?
Part of an expert system that stores the facts
What is a rule base?
Part of an expert system that stores the rules based upon the knowledge
What is an interference engine?
Part of an expert system that makes the decisions