Chapter 5 Internet Flashcards
What is the internet?
It is an infrastructure, it meanns all the compnonents and cables that are used to connect one device to another. It can also be called a huge network.
What type of network is the internet?
It is a netwrok called a wide area network (WAN).
What is the world wide web?
Is the collective term for all the websites and web pages that are available. The world wide web is accesed by using the internet
What is a URL?
It is an address for each website or web page of the world wide web. It is typed into a web browser
What are the three maing components of an URL?
URL - https://www.cambridge.ord/education
Main parts:
1. Protocol - eg https
2. Domain name - eg
3. Web page name - eg education
What does DNS mean?
Domain name server
What is the DNS?
A special server that has a database of domain names and their corrosponding IP address
What is a web server?
A network component where the webpages of a website are stored
What does HTTP stand for
Hypertext transfer protocol
What does HTTP mean?
A protocol that is sued for the transmission of web pages and related data across the internet
What does HTML stand for?
Hypertext markup language
What does HTML mean?
A scripting (web authoring) language that is used to create web pages
What does CSS stand for?
Cascading style sheets
What is the definition of CSS?
A scripting language that is used to create a presentation template for a web page. It includes what kind of font and colour text will appear on the webpage
What is active scripts?
This is the script that us used to produce any of the interactive elements of a web page
What does HTTPS stand for?
Hypertext transfer protocol secure
What is HTTPS?
A secure version of the HTTP that encrypts data for transmission
What is encrypting?
A method of securing data for storage or transmission that scrambles it and makes it meaningless
What are digital certificates?
A certificate that is awarded to a website if they can prove that they are a real organisation and take measures to securely transmit
What is certificate authority?
The awarding organisation that checks if another organisation is real and secure before awarding them a digital certificate
What does SSL stand for?
Secure sockets layer
What is SSL?
A type of protocol that encrypts data for transmission. It is the protocol, that is combined with the HTTP to create HTTPS
What does TLS stand for?
An updated version of the SSL protocol
Transport Layer Security
What is rendering?
The method of processing all the web page data, such as HTML, to display the web page
What is an address bar?
The section of a web browser where you the web page address
What is user history?
A record made on your web browser of all the web pages that you have visited
What is a bookmark?
A link that can be created to allow you to quickly find a web page again
What are tabs?
A website function that allows you to open multiple web pages in the same window
What are cookies?
Small text files that are used to store personal data, by a web browser
What are session cookies?
A type of cookie that is deleted when the web browser is closed
What are persistent cookies?
A type of cookie that is stored by the web browser until it is deleted by the user or because it has expired.
What is a digital currency?
A currency that exists electronically rather than physically
What is cryptocurrency?
A type of digital currency that uses encryption procedures
What is a blockchain?
A method that is used to track all the transactions made with a cryptocurrency
What is a digital ledger?
A database that is a list of all the transactions recordd by the blockchain
What is a brute-force attack?
A type of cyber threat that involves repeatedly inputting a password until the correct one is found, to try and break into an account or device
What is a biometric password?
A type of password that uses a person’s biological data, such as their fingerprint
What is a biometric device?
A device that allows a user to record and input a biometric password
What is two-step (or two factor) verification?
A process that involves inputting two different kinds of data to enter an account or device
What are data packets?
A unit of data that is used to transmit data across a network
What is a packet sniffer?
A piece of software that is used to examine the contents in a packet of data
What is a DDoS attack?
A type of cyber threat that targets a web server to cause it to crash and prevent access to the web pages that it stores
What is botnet?
A network of bots that are created to carry out a DDoS attack
What is malware?
A type of malicious software that is dowloaded onto a user’s computer
What is a bot?
The name given to a computer that has had malware dowloaded onto it that will cause it to be used in a DDoS attack
What is a zombie?
The name given to a bot that has malware downloaded onto it to allow it to be used in a DDoS attack, but it currently isn’t being used in this way. It is effectively a dormant or sleeping bot.
What is a proxy server?
A method of cyber security that examines requests sent by devices to access the web pages stored on a web server
What is an anti-malware?
A type of software that scans a computer or device with the purpose of finding and removing malware
What is a firewall?
A cyber security method that is used to examine incoming and outgoing traffic from a computer or network
What are ports?
An entry point into a computer or network
What are viruses, worms, trojan horses, spywares, adwares and ransomewares
Viruses - A software based cyber threat that replicates itself with the aim of corrupting data or filling up the availble memory space in a computer, causing it to crash
Worms - A software based cyber threat that replicates itself across a network using vulnerabilities that it finds, with the aim of clogging up the bandwidth
Trojac horses - A software based cyber threat that is used to disguise other malware to try and smuggle it into a computer or network
Spywares - A software based cyber threat that spies on a user’s action whilts using a computer, such as logging their key presses
Adwares - A software based cyber issue that automatically creates popup advertisements
Ransomwares - A software based cyber threat that encypts a user’s data to stop them gaining access to it until a ransom is paid
What is an anti-virus?
A type of software that scans a computer for viruses with the purpose of finding and removing them
What is a backup?
A copy of data that is stored seperate from the computer
What is pharming?
A type of cyber threat that involves downloading malicious software onto a user’s hard drive, that redicrects a request aimed at genuine website to fake website instead. The fake website will encourage the user to input their personal data, allowing it to be stolen
What is Phishing?
A type of cyber threat that involves sending a user a fake email that is designed to look genuine. It will encourage the user to provide their personal data either by clicking a link to a fake website, or by responding to the email
What is social engineering?
A cyber threat that involves manipulating or deceiving peoplpe into providing confiential or personal data
What is an access level?
The amount of direct access a user is fiven to data and resources. This could be set to be only certain sections of a whole collection of data and resources