Chapter 6 Flashcards
What is learning?
- -Learning is an adaptive process in which the tendency to perform a particular behaviour is changed by experience.
- -Making connections (associations) between events
- -Learning can not be observed directly, only inferred from changes in behaviour.
- -Learning can occur even when there is no noticeable change in behaviour
What are superstitions?
- -often the result of obtaining a reward after engaging in some behaviour, even if the behaviour and reward are not really linked
- -the subject of scientific learning
- -type of operant conditioning
What is conditioning?
- -involves learning connections between events that occur in an organism’s environment
- -Four key elements: the conditioned stimulus (CS)/conditional response (CR), unconditional stimulus (UCS)/unconditional response (UCR)
What is a more complex form of learning?
–learning by observation
What is classical conditioning?
- -a type of learning in which a stimulus acquires the capacity to evoke an automatic/involuntary response that was originally evoked by another stimulus
- -first introduced by Ivan Pavlov so it was called the Pavlovian conditioning in tribute to him
What are phobias?
- -irrational fears of specific objects or situations
- -acquired through classical conditioning
How did Pavlov demonstrate “psychic reflexes”?
- -Pavlov would present meat powder to a dog ad collect the resulting saliva by means of a surgically implanted tube in the salivary glands
- -he noticed that the dogs accustomed to the procedure would start salivating before the meat powder was presented (would salivate in response to a clicking sound made by the device that was used to present the meat powder)
- -Pavlov decided to investigate further so he paired the presentation of meat powder with various stimuli that would stand out in the lab (for instance, he used a simple auditory stimulus -the presentation of a tone)
- -after the tone and the meat powder had been presented together a number of times, the tone was presented alone and what happened was that the dogs responded by salivating to the sound of the tone alone
- -the tone started out as neutral stimulus (it did not originally produce the response of salivation) but Pavlove managed to change that by pairing the tone with the stimulus (meat powder) which produced the salivation response
What is the unconditional stimulus (UCS) and unconditional response (UCR)?
- -UCS is a stimulus that evokes an unconditioned response without previous conditioning
- -UCR is an unlearned reaction to an unconditioned stimulus that occurs without previous conditioning
- -meat powder (UCS) would trigger salivation (UCR)
What is the conditional stimulus (CS) and conditional response (CR)?
- -CS is a previously neutral stimulus that has, through conditioning, acquired the capacity to evoke a conditioned response
- -CR is a learned action to a conditioned stimulus that occurs because of previous conditioning
- -the tone (CS) presented in Pavlov’s study would trigger salivation (CR) in the dogs
What are trials in classical conditioning?
- -a trial consists of any presentation of a stimulus or pair of stimuli
- -psychologists are interested in how many trials are required to establish a particular conditioned bond (which varies considerably)
What is evaluative conditioning?
- -subtype of classical conditioning
- -refers to changes in the liking of a stimulus that result from pairing that stimulus with other positive or negative stimuli
- -the acquisition of likes/dislikes or preferences through classical conditioning
How is evaluative conditioning done?
- -typically, a neutral stimulus is paired with unconditioned stimuli that trigger positive reactions so that the neutral stimulus becomes a conditioned stimulus that elicits similar positive reactions ex. in one study, funny cartoons (unconditioned stimuli that triggers positive reactions) paired with two types of energy drinks (neutral stimulus) increased participants’ liking of the drinks
- —other studies have found that this can be used to reduce prejudicial attitudes towards the homeless, to foster more favourable attitudes about recycling, and to create more negative attitudes toward beer drinking
How is evaluative conditioning used in advertising campaigns?
- -advertisers often pair their products with UCSs that elicit positive emotions ex. presenting a product in association with an attractive person or enjoyable surroundings
- -advertisers hope that these pairings will make their products conditioned stimuli that evoke good feelings
- -politicians know this too and they often have pictures taken with popular people or with babies in an attempt to boost their own popularity
How does classical conditioning contribute to drug tolerance?
- -stimuli that are consistently paired with the administration of drugs can acquire the capacity to elicit conditioned responses
- -in many instances, the conditioned responses are physiological reactions that are just the opposite of the normal effects of the drugs (these are called compensatory CRs because they partially compensate for some drug effects and help to maintain homeostasis)
- -most drug users have routines that lead to consistent pairing of drug administration and certain stimuli
- -these environmental cues eventually begin to elicit compensatory CRs that partially cancel out some of the anticipated effects of the abused drug
- -as these compensatory CRs strengthen, they neutralize more and more of a drug’s pleasurable effects, producing a gradual decline in a user’s responsiveness (drug tolerance)
- -if drugs are taken in new ways or new settings, the usual compensatory CRs may not occur and the drugs may have a much stronger impact than usual (this is why heroin addicts seem more prone to overdose when they shoot up in unfamiliar settings)
- -another problem is that when people try to quit drugs, exposure to drug-related cues in the absence of actual drug administration may trigger compensatory CRs that increase drug cravings and fuel addiction and relapse and can also produce withdrawal symptoms
What is acquisition in classical conditioning?*
- -refers to the initial stage of learning something during which conditioning occurs
- -depends on stimulus contiguity (occur together in time and space) and stimuli that are novel, unusual, or intense have more potential to become CS because they are salient (more likely to stand out among other stimuli)
What is extinction in classical conditioning?*
- -the gradual weakening and disappearance of a conditioned response tendency
- -the consistent presentation of the conditioned stimulus alone, without the unconditioned stimulus leads to extinction
- -the strength of the conditioned bond when extinction begins affects the time it takes for it to extinguish
What is spontaneous recovery?
- -classical conditioning
- -the reappearance of an extinguished response after a period of non-exposure to the conditioned stimulus
- -ex. Pavlov completely extinguished a dog’s CR of salivation to a tone but after the dog’s “rest interval” (a period of non-exposure to the CS) the salivation response appeared again when the tone played but this time the salivation was weak
- *kept playing tone (CS) without the meat powder (UCS) after leading to extinction. Normally, the tone comes before you get the meat powder so the dogs got conditioned to salivating earlier because they expected the meat powder to come after. But over time when the meat powder didn’t come after the tone, they stopped salivating . Then they had a rest-interval where there was no extinction. When brought back and the tone played again, they salivated again**
What is the renewal effect?
- -classical conditioning
- -if a response is extinguished in a different environment than it was acquired, the extinguished response will reappear if the animal is returned to the original environment where acquisition took place
- -the renewal effect along with spontaneous recovery suggests that extinction somehow suppresses a conditioned response rather than erasing a learned association
- -even if you manage to get rid of an unwanted conditioned response, there is an excellent chance it may make a surprise reappearance later
What is stimulus generalization in classical conditioning?*
- -classical conditioning
- -occurs when an organism that has learned a response to a specific stimulus responds in the same way to new stimuli that are similar to the original stimulus
- -the likelihood and amount of generalization to a new stimulus depend on the similarity between the new stimulus and the original CS
- -This principle can be quantified in graphs called generalization gradients
- -contributes to the development of panic disorders as panic patients have a tendency to overgeneralize
What was the study conducted by John B Watson on behaviourism?
- -conditioned emotional response
- -examined the generalization of conditioned fear in an 11 month old baby named “Little Albert”
- -Albert was initially unafraid of a live white rat but then Watson and Rayner paired the presentation of the rat with a loud, startling sound and Albert showed fear in response to the sound though
- -After 7 pairings of the rat and the sound, the rat was established as a CS eliciting a fear response
- -five days later, Watson and Rayner exposed Little Albert to other stimuli that resembled white and furry rat like a rabbit, a dog, a fur coat, a Santa Claus mask, and Watson’s hair
What is stimulus discrimination in classical conditioning?*
- -classical conditioning
- -occurs when an organism that has learned a response to a specific stimulus does not respond in the same way to new stimuli that are similar to the original stimulus
- -the less similar new stimuli are to the original CS, the greater the likelihood (and ease) of discrimination
- -this requires that the CS continues to be paired with the UCS while similar stimuli not be paired with the UCS
- -the generalization gradient naturally narrows around the original CS, which means that the organism is generalizing to a smaller and smaller range of similar stimuli
What is higher-order conditioning?
- -when a conditioned stimulus functions as if it were an unconditioned stimulus
- -this shows that classical conditioning does not depend on the presence of a genuine, natural UCS - an already established CS will do just fine
- -the new CS predicts/is a CS for the old CS (chime predicting the presence of light which is a conditioning stimulus for food)
- -Ex. Using Pavlov’s research, you condition a dog to salivate in response to the sound of a tone by pairing the tone with meat powder. Once the tone is firmly established as a CS, you pair the tone with a new stimulus –let’s say red light for 15 trials. You then present the red light alone, without the tone. The dog will then salivate in response to the red light even though it had never been paired with the meat powder
- -many human conditional responses are the product of higher-order conditioning
What did Robert Rescorla show?
- -asserts that environmental stimuli serve as signals and that some stimuli are better and more dependable than others
- -signal relations in classical conditioning: CS-UCS relations that influence whether a CS is a good signal (“good” signal meaning it allows accurate predictions of the UCS)
- -Rescorla thus manipulates the predictive value of a conditioned stimulus and he does this by varying the proportion of trials in which the CS and UCS are paired
- -ex. a tone (CS) and a shock (UCS) are paired 20 times for one group of rats so they are paired in 100 percent of the experimental trials
- -another group of rats also receive 20 pairings of the tone and a shock but they also receive 20 more shocks that are not preceded by a tone. Thus the CS and UCS are paired in only 50 percent of the trials
- -the two groups of rats had an equal number of CS-UCS pairings, but the CS is a better signal or predictor of shock for the 100 percent CS-UCS group than for the 50 percent CS-UCS group
- -in essence, the rats were responding to the probabilities that the shock would or would not follow from the tone
What is the conditioned taste aversion: the “sauce bearnaise syndrome”?
- -Martin Seligman ate steak with sauce bearnaise and six hours later developed the stomach flu and severe nausea
- -after this experience, the aroma of the sauce bearnaise alone nearly made him throw up
- -at first, Seligman realized it was a straightforward case of classical conditioning because a neutral stimulus (the sauce) had been paired with an unconditional stimulus (the flu), which caused an unconditional response (the nausea)
- -however, Seligman realized that this violated certain basic principles of conditioning because the delay of 6 hours between the CS (sauce) and the UCS (the flu) should have prevented conditioning from occurring
- -also, why was it only the bearnaise sauce that became a CS eliciting nausea? Why not other stimuli like the plates, knives, etc?