Chapter 6 Flashcards
debt service funds
resources to service debts
capital projects funds
are used to account for financial resources that are legally restricted and contractually required for the aquisition of capital assets.
Basis of accounting used in Capital Projects funds
Modified accrual basis
Capital Projects budgeted on what basis?
Projects not period (might not have an annual budget)
Unique feature of capital projects funds is
financial statements prepared at the end of the fiscal year may be considered interim financial statements (project fund only exist for the term of project under construction)
formal certificates of indebtedness, most frequently issued by governments for the long term
How to account for proceeds of bonds or other long-term obligations received
“other financing sources” as they do not report long-term obligations in government funds
Issue costs
Bond underwriters charge for their services and will withold a portion of the gross proceeds as fees
premiums and discounts
bond coupon rate is rarely exactly equal to the market rate at time of sale.
coupon rate
stated interest rate
bond sold to yield an interest rate greater than the coupon rate is sold at a ?
bond sold to yield n interest rate less than the coupon rate will be sold at a
Governments report the underwriting and other issue costs as
If the issue costs are not set out separately from premiums and discounts
then the government should estimate them
debt service funds are maintained to account for and report on
financial resources that are restricted, committed, or assigned to expenditure for principal and interest on all general long-term debt itself
debt service funds do not account
for the long-term debt itself
only time principal of debt is reported as an obligation
is when it has matured but actual payment has been delayed
GAAP direct that debt service funds be established when?
- Legally required
* Financial resources are being accumulated for principal and interest payments maturing in future years
debt service funds receive resources
- Transfers from the general fund
- Special taxes restricted to the payment of debt
- Special assessments
debt service funds are on accounted for on the basis of
modified accrual basis
Construction phase of special assessments
accounted for in the capital projects fund
Debt service phase of special assessments are accounted
accounted for in a debt service fund
If government is not obligated for the debt (special assessment) just collects the money then it should?
- report the debt service transactions in an agency fund
- report construction activities, like other capital improvements, in a capital projects fund
- Report the capital assets in the schedule of capital assets and the government-wide statements
- Disclose in notes to the financial statements the amount of debt and the governments role. do not report debt on schedules
issuance of debt at relatively low, tax-exempt rates of interest and the investment of the proceeds in taxable securities yielding a higher return,
arbitrage restrictions
issuers are permitted to invest both construction funds and reserve funds for a limited period of time (i.e. must be spent withing x# of years.)
arbitrage rebates
regulations require that all arbitrage earnings, again with some exceptions be remitted to the federal government