Chapter 6 Flashcards
Real interest rate
The underlying interest rate with no inflation or uncertainty about future cash flows
Increase in the level of prices as a result of changes in demand or money supply
Consumer Price Index (CPI)
Annual index updated quarterly that reflects changes in the general level of prices
Free from default risk. A government Treasury bill is regarded as risk-free
Risk premium
Additional return investors require for investing in risky assets
Term structure of interest rates
Relationship between time to maturity and percentage yield
Ex ante
Before the event
The status of an individual or a company with insufficient assets to meet their financial commitments
Business risk
Fluctuations in cash flows, such as sales
Financial risk
Relates to the amount of debt used to fund a firm’s operations
Liquidity risk
The risk that an investor holding equity or fixed income investments in a company may be unable to sell them to another investor
Exchange rate risk
The risk associated with fluctuations in exchange rates
Offshore currency
The monetary medium of exchange relating to other countries
Country risk
Refers to the uncertainty of returns from investments in another country
A medium to long term loan agreement secured by assets of the borrower