Chapter #6 & #8: Self, Personality & Motivation Flashcards
What are “Who Am I” statements?
statements that highlight an experience of self that is connected to others
* abstract psychological attributes
* concrete roles and relationships
What is Independent View of Self?
the self derives its identity from inner essence
What are characteristics of the Independent Self?
- self-contained, perceived as unique
- individual borders are solid and do not overlap
- aspects of identity is important with self-defining aspects
- experience is stable
- line seperating ingroup/outgroup is permeable
What is the Inderdependent View of Self?
the individual is relational entity who is fundamentally connected and sustained by relationships
What are characteristics of Interdependent View of Self?
- perceived as larger social units
- key aspects of identity are found within grounded relationships
- individual circles overlap within ingroup
- ingroup/outgroup barrier is not malleable
Examples of brain activation with self-concept
- Westerners showed different brain regions activating when thinking of self and mom
- Easterners showed same brain regions activating when thinking of self and mom
What does Self-Concept help us do?
- organization information about yourself
- shapes concerns
- how we interpret situations
Characteristics of Ingroup Relationships
- serve to direct and appropriate behavior and everyone has obligations
- being a member is highly values
- boundaries are stable
Ingroups vs. Outgroups in Interdependent Self-Concept
- Japanese have a pronounced difference
- Asian Americans better at identifying emotions with close friends
- language, customs, and obligations etc.
Trust & Committment
- strong ties in society = trust confined to group
- stronger bonds with groups = weaker ties between groups
How much of the world’s population is considered Interdependet?
How does Individualism functions as social class?
- higher SES = higher independent selves
- impoverished people experience higher isolation
- greater interdependnece among working class
T/F Economic growth is associated with growing independence
What are Gender Differences in Self-Concept?
- Women = interdependent self
- Men = independent self
- Western participants = high agency & assertiveness
- Eastern participants = high collectivism & relatedness
Examples of Gender Equality & Norms
- 3% elected Arab officials women
- 48% swedish parliament women
Sex Role Ideology Scale
- men and women within the same culture generally share the same views
- Men have more traditional views than women
- impacted by religion and geographic regions
Cultural Innovation and Gender Norms
- shifting cultivation = more women involved
- plowing cultivation = more men involved
Dissonance Reduction
change our attitudes so we no longer appear inconsistent
* jelly bean class example
* The bigger the change, the more we rationalize
Cognitive Dissonance
people have a powerful motivation to be consistent, distressed feeling when we observe ourselves inconsistent
Desire for consistency results with Americans vs. Japanese
- desire for self-conistency = independent selves
- desire for other-consistent with group = interdependent selves
Subjective Self Awareness
concerns with the outside world largely unaware of ourself
* “I” observe interactions and interact with world
Objective Self Awareness
conscious of how being seen
* “Me” observes and interacts with others
* seen and evaluated by others
Objective (Outside-In) vs. Subjective (Inside-Out)
- guided by impressions vs. less affected
- Western self evaluation unaffected whether someone had seen a bad score
- Eastern self evaluation product of what other’s think
First Person Memory
imagery you experienced firsthand
Third Person Memory
imagery of a memory you envision
Implicit Theory
represents a set of beliefs we take for granted, usually without engagmenet in active hypothesis
Incremental Theory of Self
the belief that we can easily change, and are expected to change
Entity Theory of Self
aspects of the self are resistant to change, abilities and traits are fixed