Chapter 6 & 7 Flashcards
Why is Joseph Jacob’s favorite son?
He is Rachel’s son
Describe the reunion between Jacob and Esau
What did the new Pharaoh NOT establish in Egypt?
He did not exile the Israelites
What does the word Exodus mean?
Going out
Who was Jacob the favorite son of?
Why did Abraham send his servant to Mesopotamia?
To find a wife for Isaac
Why was Moses reunited with his mother?
She was his nurse
What did God give Moses to help convince Pharaoh to let HIS people go?
The 10 plagues
Why did Moses kill an Egyptian taskmaster?
Beating a slave
What was awkward about Jacob’s wives Rachel and Leah?
They were sisters
Why did Jacob tricked his father into thinking he was Esau?
To get his blessing
What did Moses’ birth mother teach him?
The Hebrew faith
Where did God first appear to Moses?
On Mt. Horeb
Where did Joseph’s descendants first prosper?
Why was Rachel frustrated in her marriage?
Who was unable to have children
What is the name of Isaac’s wife?