Chapter 6 & 7 Flashcards
Why is Joseph Jacob’s favorite son?
He is Rachel’s son
Describe the reunion between Jacob and Esau
What did the new Pharaoh NOT establish in Egypt?
He did not exile the Israelites
What does the word Exodus mean?
Going out
Who was Jacob the favorite son of?
Why did Abraham send his servant to Mesopotamia?
To find a wife for Isaac
Why was Moses reunited with his mother?
She was his nurse
What did God give Moses to help convince Pharaoh to let HIS people go?
The 10 plagues
Why did Moses kill an Egyptian taskmaster?
Beating a slave
What was awkward about Jacob’s wives Rachel and Leah?
They were sisters
Why did Jacob tricked his father into thinking he was Esau?
To get his blessing
What did Moses’ birth mother teach him?
The Hebrew faith
Where did God first appear to Moses?
On Mt. Horeb
Where did Joseph’s descendants first prosper?
Why was Rachel frustrated in her marriage?
Who was unable to have children
What is the name of Isaac’s wife?
Who was the favorite son of Jacob?
Who is Jacob’s favorite wife?
Who was the priest that Moses stayed with after fleeing Egypt?
Who was the woman Jacob was tricked into marrying him?
Who was the wife of Moses?
What was the twin brother of Jacob? (birth rites stolen from)
What name was given to Jacob by God?
Who was Jacob’s uncle?
Who was the brother in-law of Moses?
Who tried to convince brothers not to kill Joseph?
What was Joseph’s Egyptian name?
Who was the son of Abraham that was tricked by Jacob?
Who was the man with 12 sons?
Where did Moses flee to?
Where Joseph went when he was sold?
Where did Isaac and Jacob’s wives come from? (Land of Faithful People)
Where was the birthplace of Jacob and Esau? (Home of Isaac)
Explain plain that Joseph’s brothers had to kill him. How did it change?
- Kill him and blame it on the beast
- Reuben talked them out of killing and to throw him in a ditch.
- Reuben plans to go back to the ditch and get him out.
- They sell him to slavery to get rid of him and make money.
What 2 reasons did Jacob’s mother send him out of Canaan?
- To find a suitable wife
- So Esau would not kill him
What event marked the first time God appeared to Moses?
- Burning of the bush
- God spoke to Moses and wants him to liberate HIS people
What was Moses request to Pharaoh? What were the conditions of Pharaoh’s negotiations?
- Allow people to worship in the wilderness for 3 days.
- After plagues - Pharaoh gives them time off IN Egypt.
What did Joseph predict while serving as Prime Minister under Pharaoh?
- 7 days of Plenty
- 7 days of Famine
What happened at the Passover including the 3 conditions of the feast?
- Eat unleavened bread
- Roast lamb
- Eat in traveling clothes
- Moses gives Pharaoh the 10th plague - killing of the first born
- Place blood of an unblemished sheep on doorpost - angle of death would passover
Where are the 10 Commandments kept?
Art of the Covenant
List the 10 Commandments in order
The best way to prepare for this part of the test is to practice writing them using your notes.