Chapter 19 - 20 Flashcards
What was Matthew’s profession before he began to follow Jesus?
A tax collector
What was Jesus’ first public miracle?
Turning water into wine
During the time of Jesus - what did most Jewish people believe was the cause of sickness?
Why was Jesus upset about the church/temple?
It had gone from a place of worship to a place of business
How are John the Baptist and Jesus related?
They were cousins
Complete the following quote:
“________ for the Kingdom of Heaven in at hand.”
Why is it important that John the Baptist was a Levite?
Because King David and all the kings after him were anointed by Levites
What group of people did Jesus include in his ministry - that upset the church officials?
Women and Samaritans
What did the number to apostles represent?
The 12 tribes of Israel
What did everyone agree about Jesus?
That he was a great speaker
What did Jesus say was compared to a camel passing through the eye of a needle?
It is very difficult for a rich man to get into the Kingdom of Heaven
What man was a prominent Pharisee - and was also an influential member of the Sanhedrin?
Where did Jesus say he was going to build his church? What did he really mean?
On a “rock”
He meant on Peter
What gospel writer was the only one to include the Good Samaritan story and was the only Gentile gospel writer?
Who was arrested and beheaded in Judea for speaking out against Herod?
John the Baptist
What are Samaritans?
Remnants of Israel and Assyrians
Where was Capernaum located?
Along the Sea of Galilee
What does the word “apostles” mean in Greek?
ones who are sent
Why was Jesus baptized - if he was born without original sin?
to identify with the sinners
Why were people upset when he healed the sick and said “your sins are forgiven”?
They thought he was blaspheming
What marked the beginning of Jesus’ ministry?
His baptism
From the sermon on the mount:
“Pray for those that persecute you”
From the sermon on the mount:
“Don;t store your treasures on Earth . . . Store them in Heaven”
From the sermon on the mount:
“Settle your difference quickly”
From the sermon on the mount:
“The standard you use in judging is the standard by which you will be judged”
From the sermon on the mount:
“Do not babble on and on . . . God knows what you need.”
From the sermon on the mount:
“Don’t do your good deeds in public to be admired by others”
From the sermon on the mount:
“Do not resist an evil person”
From the sermon on the mount:
“You cannot serve both God and Money”
What were the three temptations that the devil presented to Jesus?
1) Change the stone into bread
2) Throw yourself off the temple
3) Worship him and receive an actual kingship
Be able to name the 12 Apostles
J(5) + P(2) + BM + SAT
John Peter Bartholomew Simon
Judas Paul Matthew Andrew
Judas Thomas
What were the two types of scams that were going on at the temple that made Jesus made?
1) Money changing - - charged a fee to change Roman money to Temple money
2) Animal sales - - the selling of animals for sacrifice at a high price