Chapter 6 &7 Flashcards
Real presence
Jesus’ unique presence in the Eucharist. This is how he fulfills his promise of everlasting presence with us.
The Eucharist
the memorial of Christ’s Passover, of his life,
Death and Resurrection.
St. Thomas Aquinas
said that the Eucharist is the “sacrament of sacraments” and “the heart and summit of Christian life”.
refers to the changing of the bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Christ.
Jesus is present in and with his Eucharistic assembly from the very beginning of Mass. (t or f)
The word sanctuary means…
“holy place”
Examples of sanctuaries during mass are :
the later, Pulpit, lector’s stand and the tabernacle. The tabernacle is the place where the Consecrated bread that has not been consumed during mass is kept.
There are two fundamental parts of the Mass:
Liturgy of the Word (readings, homily, intercessions) Liturgy of the Eucharist (the presentation of the bread and wine, prayer of consecration and thanksgiving and Holy Communion)
The efforts among all Christians to bring about the fulfillment of Christ’s will for the unity of his followers.
St. Augustine of Hippo counseled his people:
‘Go and become what you receive, the Body of Christ in the world.’
Pope John Paul II taught:
‘All who take part in the Eucharist [are called to] be committed to changing their lives and making them in a certain way completely
The Fruits of Holy Communion are the sacramental graces, or effects, of receiving Holy Communion.
The Eucharist (7)
is the primary source for the reconciliation and unity of Christians.
The sacrifice of Jesus on the Cross is the ultimate sign and expression of divine and human love.
The mnemonic ALTAR:
a guide to prayer after Communion