Chapter 3 Flashcards
How does one enter into the new People of God, the Church?
through faith and Baptism
According to the teachings of St. Paul, what do we receive by becoming members of the Church through Baptism?
we receive God’s abundant grace
Define the faith word ‘Baptism’.
The first Sacrament of initiation by which we are freed from all sin and are endowed with the gift of divine life, are made members of the Church, and are called to holiness and mission.
What is a catechumen?
Catechumen refers to the non-baptized person preparing for Baptism.
What symbol did the authors of Sacred Scripture use to point to God’s life-giving work in the world?
In the first account of Creation, what does the wind represent and prefigure?
The wind represents the Spirit of God (in Hebrew ruach ha-kodesh) bringing forth creation and prefigures the Holy Spirit bringing forth the new creation in Christ through water and the Spirit at Baptism.
How does the story of the Great Flood and Noah’s Ark prefigure the saving waters of Baptism?
As the flood waters led to a new beginning of goodness, the waters of Baptism conquer the death-bearing power of sin and bring about the newness of life in Christ.
How did the Israelites crossing the waters of the Red Sea and the River Jordan prefigure our liberation from Original Sin?
Crossing the waters of the Red Sea and the River Jordan prefigure our journey from slavery to sin to freedom and new life in Christ. By our entering and coming out of the waters of Baptism, God liberates us from the slavery of Original Sin and personal sins.
Which of the four accounts of the Gospel speak of Jesus’ baptism?
The account of Jesus
How were John the Baptist and Jesus related?
What was John’s reaction when Jesus asked to be baptized?
At first, John refused, saying that it was Jesus who should be baptizing him. Jesus nevertheless persuaded John, entered the Jordan, and John baptized him.
According to the Gospel of Matthew, what happened when Jesus came up from the waters of the River Jordan?
suddenly the heavens were opened to him and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and alighting on him. And a voice from heaven said, ‘This is my Son, the Beloved, with whom I am well pleased.”
What did the Baptism of Jesus reveal to humankind?
At his baptism Jesus revealed both his solidarity, or ‘oneness’, with humanity and the nature of his saving mission.
What gifts do we receive in the Sacrament of Baptism?
Through Baptism we die with Christ and we receive the gift of new life in Christ. Through Baptism the Holy Trinity gifts us with the holiness that Adam and Eve lost by Original Sin. We receive the gift of sanctifying grace.
What happens during the period known as the Mystagogy?
Mystagogy is the period of time immediately after the reception of the Sacraments of Christian Initiation. It is a time ‘for the community and the neophytes [those newly initiated into the Church] together to grow in deepening their grasp of the paschal mystery and in making it part of their lives through meditation on the Gospel, sharing in the Eucharist, and doing the works of charity.’