Chapter 6 Flashcards
Body and Growth Change
- Growth averages 2-3 inches per year
- Weight gain averages 5-7 lbs. each year
- Muscle mass and strength gradually increase; baby fat decreases
- Ossification (hardening) of bones
- Boys have a greater number of muscle cells and are typically stronger than girls
Motor development improves greatly over the preschool years
- 6 years: most children can ride a bike, skate, climb trees, and jump rope with ease
- Boys usually outperform girls on gross motor skills
- 8-9 years: most children have mastered the fine motor coordination needed to write, draw, and use tools.
- Increased myelination of the central nervous system
- Girls usually outperform boys on fine motor skills
- Eye hand coordination also improves
Brain Change
- Brain volume stabilizes
- Improvements in coordination
- Due to the maturing corpus callosum (motor learning)
- Significant changes in structures and regions occur, especially in the prefrontal cortex
- Improved attention, concentration, and planning abilities
- Activation of some brain areas increase while others decrease
- Shift from larger areas to smaller, more focal areas
- Due to synaptic pruning
- Affects flexibility and control in attention, reducing interfering thoughts, inhibiting motor actions, and switching between competing choices
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
- Cluster of symptoms problematic for school: poor attentional control, restlessness or hyperactivity, impulsivity
- 5–10% of school-age children diagnosed
- Researchers beginning to identify neurological differences that align with behavioral differences
- Longitudinal research indicates the “difference” is often a delay; about half of ADHD cases remit
- There is a significant amount of normal variation, uneven brain development in middle childhood
Concrete operational stage
- Piaget
- Ages 6-12 (originally proposed by Piaget as 7-11)
- Children can perform concrete operations & reason logically as long as reasoning can only be applied to specific, concrete examples
- Ability to coordinate more than 1 dimension, classify things into different sets, & consider their interrelationships; recognize reversible relationships
- Universally, adults seem to recognize that somewhere between ages 5-7 children become more sensible, reliable problem solvers
*a failure to recognize one’s own subjectivity. One fails to see things realistically because one is, in a sense, trapped on one’s own perspective
Reversible relationship
- Logic is dependent on being able to see and understand the relationship between length and width changes- that one perfectly compensates for th other
- Compensatory relationship
- One change reverses the effects of the other change
- Pieget-> important for solving many kinds of logical problems, allowing children a deeper understanding of the world around them
Formal operational thought
- Although elementary-school-aged children can think scientifically sometimes, identifying simple theories and checking them against evidence, they make a muddle of it if they already believe a certain theory
- logical thought about abstract contents
- Move into adolescence
Domain of knowledge
*Amount of prior experience a child has had with the specific domain of knowledge: a particular subject matter or content area that he is thinking about
The Information Processing Approach
- No qualitative, stage-like changes characterize a child’s thinking or processing
- Information Processing researchers focus heavily on what children do with information of particular kinds:
- What they pay most attention to
- How they encode it
- What and how much information they store
- What other information they link it with
- How they retrieve it
- argue that Piaget got some things right, but that theory needs considerable revision
- More emphasis on attention, memory, and strategy used and how, & how quickly they process information
long-term memory increases with age during middle & late childhood; aided by knowledge & increased use of strategies
Sensory memory
refers to a brief retention of sensory experience
*Capacity does not seem to change much with age
Long-term memory
an almost unlimited mental store of knowledge
Working memory
limited capacity, material is lost from working memory in 15-30 seconds unless we engage in rehearsal
we actually keep working with it, making an effort to pay attention
- remembering, getting information about of storage so we can use it
- When the information to be remembered is immediately available to your sense
- Seems to be present from birth
- Children have great visual-spatial recognition skills
*“to-be-remembered” information is not present, and somehow it must be drawn out of long-term memory to represent it to (e.g., answering a question on an exam)
Declarative knowledge
knowledge about facts & events
factual information (“the earth is round”), rules (“red lights mean stop”), and concepts (“an elephant is a large, gray animal”)
- knowledge of events experienced (e.g., recalling a doctor’s visit or supervisor asking someone to recall a counseling session)
- Organized around space & time – what happened in order, where and when; becomes as “script”
Nondeclarative knowledge/Procedural knowledge
knowledge that cannot adequately put into words & may not even enter our awareness
Form a schematic representaiton of the typical features of such an event and the order in which they happen
Digit Span Tests
- provide demonstration of change in working memory capacity
- 2 years: produce a two-digit string
- 7 years: product 5-digit string
- Adults: average is 7 digit string
Working Memory- Processing Speed
- Children making simple responses (e.g., pushing a button) to a stimulus, increases from early to middle childhood and continues to improve until about age 15
- Processing speed can increase with physical maturation
- As children get older they can do more with more information at one time
Increased knowledge base with development
- As children get older, their knowledge about many things increases
- But, prior knowledge can lead to false memories
- Signorella & Liben (1984), strong stereotyped beliefs are more likely than children with less stereotyped beliefs to misremember
- Experts have acquired extensive knowledge about a particular content area
- Influences what they notice & how they organize, represent, and interpret information which…
- -Affects ability to remember, reason, & solve problems
- Older children usually have more expertise about a subject than younger children do
- Another advantage of a rich web of knowledge is that it allows chunking of information together in a meaningful unit
Improvements in Development- Logical Thinking Skills
Older children may have a better understanding of their experiences, which helps them to remember more about the experience later