Chapter 6 Flashcards
Social Stratification
place individuals and families in different social locations . Different social locations produce different family dynamics and diverse family arrangements. For example, low incomes often create high levels of kin invovlement and extended family forms.
Life chances
refer to the chances an individual has throughout his or her life cycle to live and to experience the good things in life.
Matrix of domination
systems of inequality in which all individuals and families exist
People of the same of the race will experience race differently depending on their location in the class structure as poor, working class, professional,
Classification of Social Class
a complex concept that centers on the distribution o f economic resources. When a number of people occupy the same relative economic rank in the stratification system.
Affects families in every way because family form, marriage, divorce on the distrinbution of economic resources
Definition of race
Gender Roles approaches and the gendered institutions approaches
Result of migration of middle class African Americans