Chapter 6 Flashcards
Holistic psychiatric mental health nursing care requires assessment of biological, psychological, sociocultural health status
Integrated care
What two patient characteristics influence the mental status exam?
patient’s educational and sociocultural background
detects changes or abnormalities in intellectual functioning, thought content, judgement, mood, and affect
mental status examination
overtly communicated information
how communication occurs, including feelings, intuition, behaviors that accompany speech and thought
Are content and process always congruent?
No- patient may deny feeling depressed but appear sad, tearful
What are the categories of mental status exam?
General description, emotional state, experiences, thinking, sensorium and cognition
Why would a nurse assess pupil constriciton or dilation?
Dilated pupils= drug intoxication
Constricted pupils= narcotic addiction
Stooped posture is often common in _____ patients
This type of patient would likely dress in colorful and unusual attire
Manic patient
What do speech disturbances generally indicate?
A specific brain disturbance
Mumbling is common in patients with _____
Huntington’s chorea
Slurred speech is common in ______ patients
_______ patients often show pressured speech
_______ people are often reluctant to speak at all.
What kind of body movements would a patient with anxiety, mania, or stimulant abuse likely exhibit?
Excessive body movement
What kind of body movements would a patient with depression, organic disorder, catatonic schizophrenia, or drug-induced stupor display?
Decreased body movement
What do tics and grimaces suggest a patient has?
Side effects of medications
What disorder do repeated motor movements or compulsions indicate?
Obsessive compuslive disorder
If a patient is repeatedly picking lint or dirt from clothing, what could the real problem be?
Delirium or toxic conditions
patient’s self report of prevailing emotional state
Most people with ____ report feeling hopeless
What 3 disorders commonly have suicidal ideation
Depression, anxiety disorders, schizophrenia
How would a nurse judge a patient’s suicidal or homicidal risk?
Assess patient’s plans, ability to carry out those plans (availability of guns)
Patient’s apparent emotional tone
the absence of emotional expression, as seen by a patient who reports significant life events without showing any emotional response
flat affect
frequent changes from one affective response to another
labile affect is often seen in which disorder?