Chapter 6 Flashcards
What is delegated powers
Certain powers assigned to the national government
What is federal system
System that divided powers between the states and the federal government
What are examples of federal system
Coin money
Regulated trade
Reserved powers
Powers kept by the state
What are example of reserved powers
Creating local governments
Holding elections
Concurrent powers
Powers shared by both the federal government and the state government
What are examples of concurrent powers
Borrowing money
Enforcing laws
Elastic clause
Clause that states that congress can make laws deal with unexpected circumstances
Article 1
Focuses on the organization of the legislative branch
What are the requirements and who is the leader of the senate
At least 25 years old
Live in the state they represent
U.S citizen for 7 years
Leader is speaker of the house
What are the requirements and who is the leader of the house of representatives
At least 30 years old
Live in the state you represent
U.S citizen for 9 years
Leader is u.s vise president or president pro tempore (usually senator that has been there the longest)
Article 2
Focuses on the organization of the executive branch
Requirements for president or vice president
Native-born u.s citizen
Be at least 35 years old
Must have been a u.s resident for 14 years
Length of term 4 years; to be reelected once
22nd amendment
Limits a president to two terms
Who was the president who served four terms
Franklin d. Roosevelt
Charges of serious crimes against the president
Who can impeach
House of representatives
Who decides if he is innocent or quilty
The senate
What two presidents were impeached but found not Quilty
Andrew jackson
Bill clinton
Power of presidents to cannel laws passed by congress
Executive orders
Non legislative commands that act like laws in extreme circumstances
Issued to people convicted of federal crimes that releases then from punishment
Who can issue a pardon convicted of committing a federal crime
Judicial branch
Article 3
Focuses on organization of the judicial branch
Judiciary act of 1789
Created the lower district and circuit courts
Court of appeals
13 courts that hear cases if someone thinks their trial was unfair
What are requirements for supreme court
9 justices
Led by chief justice Robert’s
No constitutional requirements for being a judge
Serve life appointments
Who appoints the justice
Chief justice roberts
Thurgood marshall
1st african american justice
Sandra day o’connor
1st female justice
the action or crime of making a false spoken statement damaging to a person’s reputation.
a published false statement that is damaging to a person’s reputation; a written defamation.
freedom of religion
people can practice any religion prevents the establishing of an ficial religion
freedom of press
The First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, says that “Congress shall make no law….abridging (limiting) the freedom of speech, or of the press…” Freedom of speech is the liberty to speak openly without fear of government restraint.
freedom of assembly
the right to hold meetings
right to petition
to make a request of the government
allow states to forma militia
bears arm
allows individuals o bear arms
state militias
prevents the housing of soliders
third amendment
fourth amendment
prevents unreasonable searches and seizure
search warrant
others that gives authorities permission to search someones property
fifth amendment
due process law must be fairly applied
indict formally accuse someone
protects people from having to testify at their own trial
due process
who decides whether to indict
grand jury
double jeopardy
a criminal cannot be tried for the same crime twice
eminent domain
governments power to take personal property to bwnwfit the public
six amendment
protects the rights of person who has been indicted
what rights do they have
Accused people have the right to an attorney, the right to hear charges against them and the right to question witness testifying
7th amendment
A jury can decide civil cases
8th amendment
Reasonable bail protects against cruel and unusual punishment
9th amendment
Citizens have more rights than listed in the constitution
10th amendment
Any powers not delegated to the federal or states goes to the states and to the people