Chapter 6 Flashcards
A document that allows persons to make advance decisions about life sustaining procedures in the event of a terminal condition or persistent vegetative state, or any other later health care decision
Advance directives
Refers to the types of treatment and rehabilitative services that are considered most promising for a juvenile offender during juvenile justice processing
Amenability to rehabilitation
The legal doctirne that the parents’ legal rights should be secondary to what is best for the child
Best interest of child standards (BICS)
Technique in which the researcher carefully and systematically examines the content of documents to discover common elements
Content analysis
Ability to make decisions in one’s own best interest. Juveniles-given their stage of development-are unlikely to have the cognitive sophistcation and maturity to make such decisions when they come before the juvenile court
Decisional competency
The resolution of a legal matter. In criminal law, an example would be the sentence a defendant receives. In civil law, the disposition of a case may be judgement in favor of the plaintiff.
The degree of practical or useful application of a theory or idea to the “real world”
Ecological validity
Claims involving physical injuries, psychological damage, or emotional distress sustained as a result of one’s employment. Employers are requried to insure their workers against injury while on the job
Employment compensation claims
A specialty with extensive knowledge about human development, family dynamics, and the court system
Family forensic psychology
Institutional settings intended to protect, nurture, and educate negleted or wayward children during the mid-19th century
House of Refuge
Procedure for commiting a mentally disordered individual in need of treatment to a treatment facility
Involuntary civil commitment
Involves waiving a juvenile to another court
Judicial waivers
Custody evaluation designed to “screen out” the custody arrangements that would create problems for the child
Lest detrimental alternative standard
Waivers whereby the legislative branch has ordained that juveniles of specified ages will have their cases heard in criminal courts when charged with specific crimes
Legislative waiver/ statutory exclusion or waiver by statute
Used by clinicians to evaluate ability to benefit from treatment
MacArthur Competence Assessment Tool-Treatment (MacCAT-T)
Multisite study of adjudicative competence in juveniles
MacArthur Juvenile Competence Study
Refers to requirement that suspects must be told they have the right to an attorney and the right to remain silent. they must also be informed that anything they say can be used as evidence against them in court
Miranda rights
Usually involve court orders that require an individual to live in his or her own home or alternative group or foster home and comply with a medication regimen
Outpatient treatment orders
The doctrine in law that establishes the right of the state to substitute its presumably benevelont decision making for that of individuals who ar ethought to be unable or unwilling to make their own decisions
Parens patriae
Writen document filed in juvenile court alleging that the juvenile is a delinquent or in need of protection and requesting that the court assume jurisdiction over the juvenile
Treatment that may be court ordered to prevent a person from becoming dangerous
Preventive outpatient treatement
Provison that gives prosecutors the authority to decide whether the case will be taken to juvenile court or criminal court
Prosecutorial waiver
Instrument available for assessing incidnece and prevalence of sexual harassment
Sexual experiences questionnaire (seq)
May be broadly defined as unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature
Sexual harassment
A legal assumption, derived fromt he traditional belief that the mother is the parent ideally and inherently best suited to care for children of a “tender age”
Tender years doctrine
Competence to make a will
Testamentary capacity
Legal term for a civil wrong in which a plaintiff alleges some negligence on the part of the defendant