chapter 6 Flashcards
incident of Dr Lanyon
“Mr Hyde had disappeared…
out of the ken of the police as though he had never existed”
“thousands of pounds…
were offered in reward”
“much of his past was unearthed…
indeed, and all disreputable”
“tales came out of…
the man’s cruelty”
“so callous…
and violent of his vile life”
“of the hatred…
that seemed to have surrounded his career”
“the evil influence…
had been withdrawn”
“a new life became for..
Dr Jekyll”
“he came out of his seclusion..
renewed relations with his friends”
“the host had looked from one to the other..
as in the old days when the trio were inseparable friends”
“the doctor was confined…
to the house (Poole about Jekyll)
“he had his death-warrant…
written legibly upon his face” (Lanyon)
“the rosy man had grown…
pale” (Lanyon)
“his flesh had fallen…
away” (Lanyon)
“he was visibly..
balder and older” (Lanyon)
“swift physical…
decay” (Lanyon)
“some deep-seated…
terror of the mind” (Lanyon)
“his days are…
counted” (Lanyon)
“I have had a shock..
and I shall never recover” (Lanyon)
“I wish to see or hear no more…
of Dr Jekyll” (Lanyon)
“I mean from henceforth…
to lead a life of extreme seclusion”
“You must suffer me…
to go my own dark way”
“I have brought on myself…
a punishment and a danger that I cannot name”
“If I am the chief of sinners…
I am the chief of sufferers also”
“I could not think that this earth..
contained a place for sufferings and terrors so unmanning”
“in a moment, friendship…
and peace of mind, and the whole tenor of his life were wrecked”
“there must lie for it..
some deeper ground”
“in something less than a fortnight..
he was dead”
“the doctor, it appeared…
now more than ever confined himself to the cabinet over the laboratory”