Chapter 6 Flashcards
- In the assessment process, mental health professionals should always consider the possibility of alcohol or other drug problems because:
a. clients tend to minimize their use
b. denial is a common defense mechanism used by alcoholics and addicts
c. the coexistence of alcohol or other drug problems and other mental disorders is common
d. the prevalence of AOD problems is so great
- An 18-year-old female who received a DUI last month drives to a party on Saturday and has four martinis. This would be an example of:
a. use
b. misuse
c. abuse
d. dependence
- A 21-year-old male has three glasses of wine at a family dinner. This would be an example of:
a. use
b. misuse
c. abuse
d. dependence
- A 34-year-old female, who rarely drinks, attends her mother’s wedding reception and vomits after consuming several glasses of champagne. This would be an example of:
a. use
b. misuse
c. abuse
d. dependence
- In screening for AOD problems, clinicians should keep in mind:
a. false negatives are very common
b. both false negatives and false positives are costly and dangerous
c. false positives are very common
d. neither false negatives or false positives are acceptable
- What should a mental health professional keep in mind when asking clients about alcohol and drug use on the psychosocial history?
a. It is unnecessary to assess each drug classification with certain types of clients (e.g., adolescents)
b. women are more likely than men to be polydrug abusers
c. clients may minimize their use
d. nicotine use need not be assessed
- Which of the following is not a reason to inquire about a client’s family history on a psychosocial assessment?
a. addiction may be a hereditary condition
b. physical and sexual abuse frequently occur in substance abusing families
c. emotional detachment by mothers is associated with the development of addiction
d. financial difficulties in the family and family conflict may be related to substance abuse
- Why is it important to obtain a social history in the psychosocial assessment?
a. alcoholics tend to bond together
b. drug addicts usually have no friends
c. clients may not understand that relationships with non-problem drinkers is possible
d. gradual changes in social activities and friends can be indicative of an alcohol or other drug problem
- Why is it important to obtain a history of psychological and behavioral problems in the psychosocial history?
a. clients use of alcohol and other drugs may be a contributing or a casual factor in such problems
b. some mental disorders lead to AOD abuse
c. there may be a potentiation effect of psychotropic medications and alcohol
d. coexisting mental disorders are common
- What is an important sign of adolescent problems with alcohol or other drugs?
a. wearing clothes with beer company insignias
b. change in friends, academic performance, and behavior
c. the type of music listened to
d. lack of interest in the opposite sex
- How can a mental health professional distinguish signs of AOD use from normal adolescent behavior?
a. normal adolescents do not change friends
b. adolescents with alcohol or other drug problems act more depressed than normal adolescents
c. all signs of AOD problems should be considered along with knowledge of normal adolescent behavior
d. a complete physical examination, including urinalysis should be undertaken
- What is a draw back to the use of self-report inventories in assessing AOD problems?
a. the nature of a self-report instrument may impact validity
b. self-report inventories generally have less than adequate reliability
c. self-report inventories can only be administered by psychologists
d. self-report inventories are expensive since computer scoring is required
- The MAST is commonly used to screen for:
a. chemical dependency
b. alcohol problems
c. other drug problems
d. substance abuse
- What is a major difference between the CAGE and the AUDIT?
a. The CAGE can identify drug use while the AUDIT is strictly for identifying alcohol use problems
b. The AUDIT has greater face validity than the CAGE
c. The CAGE can be used by untrained professionals while the AUDIT requires formal training
d. The CAGE requires “yes” or “no” responses to four questions while the AUDIT is a 10-question Likert scale
- What is the major difference between the Addiction Severity Index and the other self-report inventories mentioned in the text?
a. The ASI is a comprehensive assessment system used primarily in addiction treatment settings
b. The ASI can be used to diagnose any substance use disorder
c. The ASI can only be administered by licensed mental health professionals
d. The ASI requires computer scoring
- In making referrals for alcohol or other drug treatment services, mental health professionals should:
a. make every effort to ensure that treatment will be coordinated by medical personnel
b. only refer to programs which utilize AA
c. avoid referring to for-profit treatment programs
d. refer clients to programs accredited by the state whenever possible
- When a mental health professional refers a client to a treatment program for an assessment of alcohol or other drug problems, it is important to:
a. refer to programs which use the medical model of addiction to design treatment
b. refer to programs which will determine services based on client need
c. refer only to programs which can both assess and treat clients
d. refer clients to programs which their insurance will pay for
- Which of the following is not accurate with regard to the DSM-V diagnoses of Substance Use Disorders (SUDS):
a. There are two categories of SUDS; substance abuse and substance dependence
b. a cluster of cognitive, behavioral, and physiological symptoms indicating that the individual continues using the substance despite significant problems
c. criteria can be classified as imparied control, soical impairment, risky use, or pharmacological criteria
d. evidence of tolerance and/or withdrawal is not necessary to make a diagnosis
- The DSM-V criteria for Substance Use Disorders require that clients demonstrate symptoms:
a. at any time in the same 12 month period
b. continually in the same 6 month period
c. at any time in the same 6 month period
d. continually in the same 12 month period